Colt's firearms, handguns, pistols, revolvers. Specializing in single action army peacemaker. Repairs and customizing parts and accessories.
and Colt Army SpecialPythons up to the early 1970's1969 and prior (pre-MK III) TroopersEarly I-Frame with 1-Piece Extractor Rod, including models 3-5-7All Trooper .38/.357 and Early Python, Detective Special and Viper Also Fits:Enfield N0. 2 Mark 1 RevolverH&R Sportsman 999 Check ...
.38 Special, Colt, Colt Police Positive, handguns, Historical, Military & Police, Model 10, News, police, Police Positive Special, Police revolvers, police surplus guns, police surplus revolvers, s&w, Smith & Wesson, Smith & Wesson Model 10-5, Surplus, Uncategorized, used October 17, 2021...
(720p) 38:17 Peter_Hofer_present_at_The_World_Gunmakers_Virtua 20:19 Perdition_to_Conspirators!_Magnificent_14-Barrel_ 08:32 Pawn_Stars__Remington_New_Model_Army_.44___Histor 05:13 PIAT_ Britain's Answer to the Anti-Tank 12:28 Philippine Scouts Presentation (Part 4) 17:12 Pavesi ...
Bottom left: Factory .38 Special loads proved easy to shoot and just as accurate as the .357 loads. The Python’s roots as a target revolver show. Custom Herrett stocks pictured. Bottom right: Targets fired at 20 yards with .357 Magnum factory ammo showed the new Python continues the trad...
In 1958, the Army Marksmanship Unit of Fort Benning, would have been at the origin of developments relating to the adaptation of the .38 S&W Special revolver cartridge (wad cutter) to a Colt Government. Colt furnished the kits of conversion to this end. The .38 barrel bore only one ...
Matthew Moss is a British historian and writer specializing in small arms development, military history and current defence matters. He has written for a variety of publications in both the US and UK he also runs, a blog that explores the history, development and use...
special more than I do with the 45 because of the thicker clyinder metal in the notchs. I have always been into lighter handeling compact revolvers, although I have plenty of the bigger stuff too. For instance I seldom carry my S&W 27 anymore now that I have a model 66-3. I ...
The Police Positive was somewhat lighter than either the Smith & Wesson Military and Police or the Colt Army Special, and with its mild-mannered cartridges (.32 Colt New Police and .38 Smith & Wesson), the revolver was easy to shoot. And it shot well indeed, thanks in part, Colt claime...
I did a feature on Colt’s 3rd Generation of Single Action Army sixguns. So it’s only fitting to discuss their immediate predecessor—the 2nd Generation. Some even consider the 2nd Generation guns the best of all three generations.