Gun Test: AR-15 Colt LE6920MP USA Via @dailycallerIt is patriotic home protection Colt styleThe Daily Caller
Colt 6920 LE OEM2 Free Float Rail with Daniel Defense AR-15 .223/5.56mm $1,731.00 Universal Rifle SpeedLoader $29.99 Armalite AR-15 DEF15F SuperKit Tactical Package $1,475.00 Anderson AM15 $1,260.00$1,354.00 Colt 6920 - Magpul Camo ...
Colt’s LE6920 starts with a high-strength polymer, four-position, collapsible stock on the lower receiver assembly and a standard, semi-automatic AR-15 trigger assembly inside. If you prefer a specific brand of custom trigger, no problem. The LE6920’s lower will accept any standard AR tri...
Colt 6920 M4 5.56 AR-15 Rifle features Colt reliability with a 16 inch chrome lined barrel with an A2 front sight gas block and an M4 flat top upper receiver.
1 United States(71.9%) 2 Russia(0.6%) loading alexa data pic 网站常用标签 colt 1911 colt colt ar 15 colt le6920 colt 6920 服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 密歇根州兰辛市Liquid Web公司 当前页面URL: 推荐优秀网站 1...
口径:5.56毫米(0.223寸)(北约各国通用,使用相同口径:Famas,AR-15,SG550,SG552,M249,M60) 枪机种类 :气动式,转拴式枪机 发射速率 :800–980发/分 枪口初速: 884 m/秒 供弹方式: 20 30、35发STANAG弹匣 有效射程 :600米 设计: M4卡宾枪的设计可追溯至早期卡宾枪版本的M16及XM177,都是由尤金·斯通纳开发的...