Colt 6920 LE OEM2 Free Float Rail with Daniel Defense AR-15 .223/5.56mm $1,731.00 Universal Rifle SpeedLoader $29.99 Armalite AR-15 DEF15F SuperKit Tactical Package $1,475.00 Anderson AM15 $1,260.00$1,354.00 Colt 6920 - Magpul Camo ...
all Colt civilian AR-15 weapon were identified by an “R” prefix. However, this was changed to a “AR” after the passage of the Federal Assault Weapon Ban in 1994. Others are specifically designed
Colt公司除了RO977外,另外又向执法机构提供了一种枪管加长至16.1英寸的长枪管M4A1,名为“执法型卡宾枪”(Law Enforcement Carbine),产品编号为LE6920。随枪配两个20发弹匣,当然使用者也可以自己买其他容量的弹匣了。LE6920有固定提把的机匣和平顶型机匣两种类型,下机匣有三发点射和连发两种射击方式。
Gun Test: AR-15 Colt LE6920MP USA Via @dailycallerIt is patriotic home protection Colt styleThe Daily Caller
and it may be the first image to pop into someone’s head when they think of an AR-15. This rifle is the semi-auto version of the battle tested M4 and features the same reliable carbine length gas system with durable delta ring construction. Colt’s 6920 M4 Carbine is a solid performe...
To say Colt’s LE6920 M4 Carbine is the Gold Standard of AR-15s, would almost be an understatement. In fact about the only quasi-negative comment I have ever received on the 6920 was “Gee, that’s a nice gun, but I bought a clone for less.” If only they knew, what you now ...
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