Thus, this dissertation attempts to expand the lifestyles/routine activities framework in several areas: 1) provide an estimate of sexual victimization and physical assault prevalence among a national sample of college students 2) provide an estimate of the prevalence of ADHD am...
L. (2006). College students with ADHD: A role for logotherapy in treatment. International Forum for Logotherapy, 29 (1), 37–45.Schulenberg, S. E., Melton, A. M. A., & Foote, H. L. (2006). College students with ADHD: A role for logotherapy in treatment. The International Forum ...
The researchers found that on average, college students with ADHD received grades that were half a grade level below their peers and that this deficit was present across all four years. Additionally, results showed that college students with ADHD were significantly less likely to stay enrolled acros...
The purpose is to identify the predictors of academic success in college for students with ADHD and/or LD using a systematic review of the literature. Method: Academic Search Premier, Education Full Text, Education Source, Education Resources Information Center, Teacher Reference Center, PsycINFO, ...
I also connected with a support group called theAttention Deficit Disorder Association(“ADDA”) to help calm my nerves. Through the ADDA, I discovered thatmost colleges can grant accommodations for students with ADHDif students let professors and staff know about their diagnosis. I let my son ...
Studying with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be difficult. However, finding strategies designed for support may help you succeed in an academic environment. Some students with ADHD may struggle with focus, organization, and time management. However, different study techniques may im...
Many college students turn to ADHD(注意缺陷障碍)medicine during the exam week,which is regarded as "smart drugs" that will help their academic(学术的)performance.The thinking is that if the drugs help students with ADHD improve their focus,they should provide the same benefit for people who do...
To evaluate the time estimation abilities of college students with ADHD on a novel, complex task that approximated academically oriented activities. Totally 20 college students with ADHD were compared to a sample of 20 non-ADHD students. Both groups completed a task, and scores were obtained for ...
College students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who take a prostimulant medication can improve attention and organization and planning skills, according to results of the first study to look at the medical treatment of ADHD among th
Many college students turn to ADHD(注意缺陷障碍) medicine during exam week, which is regarded as "smart drugs" that will help their academic(学术的) performance. The thinking is that if the drugs help students with ADHD improve their focus, they should provide the same benefit for people who...