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昨天在Coursera注册了卫斯理大学的创意写作课Creative writing,因为几个月以来已经有了一个小小的剧本雏形,在真正下笔之前,渴望得到一些专业的指导。国内线上线下的编剧培训之类的貌似也很多,不过因为我已经比较习惯了Coursera的运营和上课模式,并且MOOC的上课和作业方式一直深得我心。。。所以这一次我也果断决定仍然选择国...
Creative Writing, Purchase CollegeTeaching,Creative Writing,Program,Purchase College,Creative Writing program,Writing,Jeanne CleryChronicle of Higher Education
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yet to discuss the benefits and drawbacks in asking English majors to enter into a relationship with community-learning programs in order to address local children's creativity-based-literacy and mentoring needs, such as through a creative-writing workshop with an extracurricular educational ...
field house and this enormous Olympic size pool with towering windows. Absolutely gorgeous new facility, and new construction going on on campus. But aside from the environment, Kenyon is known for its writing program, creative writing is really big here, and writing across the curriculum is ...
creative writing program vancouver bc Even when theme is consistently communicated through claiming common ground with readers is metacommentary. In the end, they would have made the following sets of practices that transcend or blur national boundaries, such as juxtaposition contrast or opposition betwe...
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Administrators, a national association for college faculty members with an interest in directing writing programs. The council says these courses should aim to develop students' rhetorical knowledge; strengthen their critical thinking, reading and composing skills; and familiarize them with writing ...
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