7. Creative Writing: The Craft of Plot We get it. Money is tight, especially for us starving artists. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn a ton about writing. Coursera is full of online classes, and The Craft of Plot is a great choice. This course is provided through Wesleyan Un...
Course CatalogueUpcoming Classes Intensives Teen One-on-One The Gotham Writers Genre Fiction Conference Mar 1-2 Each Gotham class puts you in a community of writers, and we also offer ways to join the writing community beyond our classes. Writing is a solo act, but it’s helpful, even nec...
When it comes to creative writing classes, Masterclass is a different beast altogether. You’ll find bite-sized video lessons on creative writing being offered by the masters of writing themselves. You’ll find creative writing lessons created and thought by the likes of R.L. Stine, Margaret ...
All Classes are Virtual Register Now HIGH SCHOOL/COLLEGE PREP Most courses on writing consider the main purpose of writing to be communication. Few courses see writing as a way of shaping thought. Yes, writing needs to be a clear, direct communication of thought and ideas. But many of our ...
Johns Hopkins is another school that's known more for engineering than it is for writing, but, like MIT, it has a dedicated writing program. As a major here, you must take not only courses in prose, poetry, and literature, but alsoclasses on topics such as philosophy and history. ...
Creative Writing有几门必修课,分别是上、下学期的lecture和workshop,还有dissertation supervision。lecture...
昨天在Coursera注册了卫斯理大学的创意写作课Creative writing,因为几个月以来已经有了一个小小的剧本雏形,在真正下笔之前,渴望得到一些专业的指导。国内线上线下的编剧培训之类的貌似也很多,不过因为我已经比较习惯了Coursera的运营和上课模式,并且MOOC的上课和作业方式一直深得我心。。。所以这一次我也果断决定仍然选择国...
英国 美国 澳洲 新西兰 搜索 扫一扫下载 首页 留学申请 北美中心 找学校 查专业 看攻略 英国 澳洲 美国 日本 新西兰 新加坡 测测专业申请成功率 Creative Writing 创意写作 学位类型:MA 专业方向:艺术 所属学校:Birkbeck College(伯贝克学院) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 加载中 查看该专业官方网址 ...
This may be a surprise: You probably don't need to change your college major. Cassie KosarekJuly 6, 2021 English courses are often a specific premedical requirement, and med schools may accept creative writing classes to fulfill this requirement if they are list...
少部分需要国际考生提供TOEFL(如Brooklyn College),但几乎所有都要求申请人提供writing sample,prose是...