COLLECTshould only be used if internal tables are to be created that are genuinely unique or compressed. In this case,COLLECTcan greatly benefit performance. If uniqueness or compression are not required, or the uniqueness is guaranteed for other reasons, the statementINSERTshould be used instead....
In this case, COLLECT can greatly benefit performance. If uniqueness or compression are not required, or the uniqueness is guaranteed for other reasons, the statement INSERT should be used instead. The statement COLLECT is not suitable for standard tables and should no longer be used for them....
This ABAP statement works in a similar way to APPEND and inserts the contents of a work area into an internal table. But instead of simply adding to the end of the itab, it first checks for entries with the same key and then adds to the numeric values of existing row with that same ...
Solved: After posting a question on APPEND in ABAP 740, here I'm again on COLLECT statement. Old Way: METHOD meth_collect_old . CLEAR gw_mard . LOOP AT it_mard
statement used on a table which is 100 bytes wide and has a key which is 60 bytes wide and seven numeric fields is about approx. 50 msn (standardized microseconds). Note Runtime errors COLLECT_OVERFLOW : Overflow in integer field when calculating totals. ...
0 Kudos 33,639 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development I want to add open orders(VBBE-OMENG) from table VBBE according to material no. and plant.can i use COLLECT statement? How can i make use of it?Reply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION varma_narayana Active Contributor 2007 Aug 29 7:02 AM...
ABAP 的事件 Program type(程序类型)Introductory statement(类型描述) 1 REPORT(报表) M PROGRAM(屏幕程序) F FUNCTION-POOL(函数组) K CLASS-POOL(类组) J CLASS-POOL(接口组) T TYPE-POOL(类型池) There will be different types of events in ABAP....
Specifies a session variable vname in an operand position in a SELECT statement of a CDS view in ABAP CDS. The variable is case-sensitive. $session.vname, $Session.Vname, and $SESSION.VNAME can all be used. No other spellings are allowed. ...
As Collect Statement add the NUM and INT fields where all Other Char fields has the same value. Reply Former Member 2009 Jan 12 4:04 PM 0 Kudos 113 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Yes u can try to do it, but u need to use READ and MODIFY statament in order to ...
Collect statement is using as append statement and as well as sum statement, means whenever collect statement will encountered then first it checks whether that record exist in the interna table with the same key or not. If yes then add that else append at the end of internal table. But ...