Sublime Text is my favorite local text editor, as you can see from above screenshot there is also ABAP plugin for it to display ABAP source code with correct syntax highlight. In Sublime Text it is possible to open the same file in separate two views so it is very convenience for me n...
COLLECT[<wa>INTO] 将具有相同关键字段值的行中同名的数字字段的值累计到一条记录上,只有非表关键字段被累加;当在内表中找不到指定的被累加行时,COLLECT语句的功能与APPEND语句是一样的,即将一个工作区的内容附加到itab内表中。使用COLLECT操作的内表有一个限制,即该的行结构中,除了表键字段以外的所有字段都必...
SORT is a keyword used in SAP ABAP programming.This tutorial covers its introduction & syntax details. SORT Variants 1. SORT... INSERT (ABAP Keyword) INSERT is a keyword used in SAP ABAP programming. This tutorial covers its introduction & syntax details. INSERT INSERT –... SUM ( SAP ABA...
Sublime Text is my favorite local text editor, as you can see from above screenshot there is also ABAP plugin for it to display ABAP source code with correct syntax highlight. In Sublime Text it is possible to open the same file in separate two views so it is very convenience for me n...
1.引用类型z_ref数据对象myref在程序中的声明方式: DATA myref TYPE z_ref. CREATE DATA myref TYPE z_ref. 2.参照数据字典中的表类型生成内表对象或结构体: DATA mytable TYPE z_table,”数据字典表类型,声明内表. myline TYPE LINE OF z_table.”表类型的行结构,声明结构体. ...
Syntax COLLECT wa INTO itab [result].Effect This statement inserts the content of a work area wa either as a single row in an internal table itab or adds the values of its numeric components to the corresponding values of existing rows with the same primary table key. wa is a functional...
}} | {itab INDEX idx [USING KEY key_name|(name)]} | {itab [USING KEY loop_key]} | itab [USING KEY key_name|(name)] [FROM idx1] [TO idx2] [WHERE log_exp|(cond_syntax)] | ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM itab [USING KEY key_name|(name)] [COMPARING {comp1 comp2 ...}|{ALL...
Sublime Text is my favorite local text editor, as you can see from above screenshot there is also ABAP plugin for it to display ABAP source code with correct syntax highlight. In Sublime Text it is possible to open the same file in separate two views so it is very convenience for me ...
However, pointers (as used in PASCAL or C) differ from ABAP field symbols in their reference syntax. The statement ASSIGN f to <fs> assigns the field f to field symbol <fs>. The field symbol <fs> then "points" to the contents of field f at runtime. This means that all changes ...