There is a lifespan of an empire . . . at the top of every empire . . . there is an issue of the financial system, and there is an issue with the political system that becomes absolutely corrupt. This is why this announcement (FBI not indicting Clinton) came. Again, this is ...
In view of a continuing focus on the environment, studies of collapse have become even more bound up with formal or informal notions of resilience, with which it forms a conceptual duality rather than a simple an opposition (Butzer2012; Strunz et al.2019). A range of key terms and concepts...
Empire building, nepotism and all manner of in uence activities offer other illustrations. Such con ict is as old as history itself, and as an historical matter, it is important to acknowledge that con icts of interest can and do morph into nancial fraud. Consider a few ...
By 2050, an area of land the size of South America will be further degraded. Nearly all of the marine biosphere has been degraded. Now Modern man has set his sights on wringing the last dollar of profit from the already dying oceans in what is being heralded as the “Blue Acceleration”...
Others have presented him as a balanced commentator who could see wrong on both sides, and have suggested that his real explanation for the downfall of the empire lies in divine providence. This paper argues that neither assessment does justice to Choniates's skill as an historian, and that ...
Admirable as this objective is, it is difficult not to see it as partaking in the general vagueness which attends much of climatic impact assessment at the present time, and which has been admirably described by Kates (1980): The underlying assumptions of models are poorly defined. Studies ...
A reporter who was there at the time said those hurricane force winds made it impossible for him to walk, as he was forced to take shelter in an abandoned car. A fire chief for the city said he had never seen a fire storm of such strength and magnitude in his entire multidecadal ...
Interest in the lowland Maya collapse is stronger than ever, and there are now hundreds of studies that focus on the era from approximately A.D. 750 to A.D
To all the countries of the former Soviet Union: look at us, everything is possible. —Volodymyr Zelenskyy 74 It seems that the most important thing about Reagan was his anti-Communism and his reputation as a hawk who saw the Soviet Union as an 'evil empire.' —Mikhail Gorbachev ...
rather, there is transformation (adaptation)—for example, the end or marked change of an existing political system or hierarchical model (such as the end of an empire or state)—to accommodate changing circumstances and usually with considerable continuity in many of the other, underlying, ...