By Greg Hunter’s Trader and analyst Gregory Mannarino says what is going on today with the FBI refusing to indict Hillary Clinton is nothing new when considering the “fall of empires.” Mannarino explains, “This is a cycle, and we are
Externally, the Han Dynasty also faced the same threat that plagued every indigenous Chinese government throughout history—the danger of raids by the nomadicpeoples of the steppes. To the north and west, China borders on desert and range-lands that have been controlled by various nomadic peoples...
In the third part, I present six episodes of collapse, chosen to update my earlier review (Middleton 2012): the 4.2 ka event and global collapse, collapse in the eastern Mediterranean c. 1200 BC, the Western and Eastern Roman Empires, the Classic Maya, Tiwanaku, and Rapa Nui (see Fig....
Abbott could have stopped all of this back in 2021. This is all part of “their” plan. This is how this finally destroys our country and breaks it up into regions just as they planned. This back and forth between Biden and Abbott is all show and used to kick off the...
The potential of climate change to substantially alter human history is a pressing concern, but the specific effects of different types of climate change remain unknown. This question can be addressed using palaeoclimatic and archaeological data. For instance, a 300-year, low-frequency shift to drie...
It is now clear that an insidious plan of deliberate genocide was formulated in order to make space for the soon-to-be transplanted Israelis who understand that Israel is on the cusp of their 21st century Armageddon. Old Empires Must Die To Make Room For The REAL Global Transformation That ...
which also brought about drastic clashes of cultures and a variety of changes throughout the entire Mediterranean world and beyond, that is, the transformation of a small village on the Tiber into one of the largest empires in all of world history, followed by a collapse of a part of that...
The drive to create ethnically or ideologically pure political entities has been a consistent feature of the era of self-determination and decolonization. The retreat of the European empires followed by the contraction of the dangerous, yet relatively stable U...
The only actual reason this whole topic is controversial is not due to it's positive or negative existence, but only for the political and economic consequences the acceptance or rejection of it and the scale of its threat - whole economies, whole countries, whole business empires depend on if...
In his recent book entitled The Changing World Order, Dalio (2021) studies major empires and compares the successes and failures of the world's empires throughout history. In studying this issue, he identifies certain critical factors that supposedly result in a regime switch, or a change of ...