In 2007 and 2008, we published two articles reporting a tamoxifen (TM)-inducible, chondrocyte-specific gene-targeting mouse model in which the expression of CreERT2 is driven by the type II collagen promoter (Col2CreERT2). The fusion protein is specifically expressed and translocated into the ...
We demonstrate that conditional ablation of the Pkd1-Cre recombinase expression in kidney epithelium, which reflects expression of the endogenous Col1α(II) gene in the embryonic renal tubules. We determine the exon 2-containing splice variant of the Col1α(II) gene as a major transcript ...
采用小鼠Col2a-1(前胶原II型,α1)启动子序列、β-珠蛋白内含子、Cre-ERT融合基因(Cre重组酶融合到人类雌激素受体(ER)的突变配体结合域)、SV40 pA信号和Col2a-1内含子1增强子构建载体。该转基因被注射到FVB/N受精卵中,随后将其培养到FVB/N以产生半合子。该转基因小鼠对软骨系(软骨)细胞具有很强的他莫西芬...
Pereții laterali cu balamale permit accesul mai ușor în colibă. Inițiatoare de povești speciale O masă, tort cu față zâmbitoare, agendă, o fântână a dorințelor. 4 personaje îndrăgite
genetically engineered mouse models carrying Col2a1-cre-induced deletions of Lrp5 and/or Lrp6 Cassie A Schumacher*, Danese M Joiner*, Kennen D Less, Melissa Oosterhouse Drewry and Bart O Williams Mice carrying Collagen2a1-cre-mediated deletions of Lrp5 and/or Lrp6 were created and characterized...
大脑II型螺旋神经节神经元、视网膜 人类同源基因 COL28A1 品系描述 敲除Col28a1基因exon 3,建立Col28a1基因敲除小鼠模型。 应用领域:分泌蛋白基因 *使用本品系发表的文献需注明: Col28a1-KO mice (Cat. NO. NM-KO-205626) were purchased from Shanghai Model Organisms Center, Inc.. ...
Cre-ERT2在无Tamoxifen诱导的情况下,在细胞质内处于无活性状态;当Tamoxifen诱导后,Tamoxifen的代谢产物4-OHT(雌激素类似物)与ERT结合,可使Cre-ERT2进核发挥Cre重组酶活性。 查看 【小鼠大学问】基因工程小鼠的命名规则 常见的基因工程小鼠可以分为两种命名方式,包括基因定点修饰的小鼠命名,比如:敲除、敲入、点突变...
亮氨酸拉链、cAMP 响应原件(CRE) 或激活蛋白-1 家族等组成异源二聚体的形式,发挥转录因子的作 用,启动转录过程,调控基因表达 [17,18] 。 其基因的 活化产物参与细胞凋亡,进而加速Col Ⅱ的降解,促 进OA 的发生与发展。 本研究发现,与对照组比较,
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