This book gives a thorough treatment of the rapidly-expanding field of coherent X-ray optics, which has recently experienced something of a renaissance with the availability of third-generation synchrotron sources. It is the first book of its kind. The author begins with a treatment of the funda...
Coherent X-Ray OpticsLecture, Henry Chapman
Coherent X-Ray Optics (Oxford University Press, 2007). Hansen, P. C. REGULARIZATION TOOLS: A matlab package for analysis and solution of discrete ill-posed problems. Numerical Algorithms 6, 1–35 (1994). Article ADS MathSciNet Google Scholar Huijts, J. Broadband Coherent X-ray Diffractive...
Coherent X-ray diffraction imaging (CDI) methods applied to Bragg peaks have emerged as a powerful tool in materials science for characterising lattice distortion fields and defects in crystalline nanostructures1,2,3,4. Such experiments are currently feasible at photon energies in the lower end of ...
Coherent X-Ray Optics (Oxford Series on Synchrotron Radiation).pdf x-rays2013-09-03 上传大小:6.00MB 所需:33积分/C币 基于Simulink的锂离子电池双向Buck-Boost DCDC变换器与直流电压源联合供电系统的智能切换与仿真模型,Simulink仿真模型:锂离子电池管理系统的双向DC-DC变换器供电与控制策略 ...
Some specific applications of zone plates as coherent x-ray optics will be discussed.YunW. B.ViccaroP. J.LaiB.ChrzasJ.Review of Scientific InstrumentsYun W B,Viccaro P J,Lai B,Chrzas J.Coherent hard X-ray focusing optics and applications, Rev.Journal of Scientific Instruments. 1992...
Resolution beyond the limitations given by the detector and X-ray optics will be achieved on the 'coherence' branch. Techniques working in the far field such as Coherent X-Ray Diffraction and other Coherent Diffraction Imaging techniques such as ptychography will be implemented. Typical applications ...
I. Curved-crystal X-ray optics The design parameters of an X-ray spectrometer for inelastic scattering studies are discussed, and a comparison is made of the flux available from various photon sources in the X-ray region. It is shown that a conventional X-ray sealed t... P Suortti,P ...
These methods fail when the field contains phase singularities. We describe the X-ray optical vortex and outline its use as a pathological test object for phase retrieval methods. We also present recent progress towards overcoming the problem of phase retrieval in singular optics. 展开 ...
Pop-out metrology is a computational wave optics technique that is applicable to coherent electron, neutron, X-ray, or visible light beams. At its core, it shows that the Fourier transform of an image formed by a coherent bright field illumination is essentially a hologram, and by exploiting ...