This book gives a thorough treatment of the rapidly-expanding field of coherent X-ray optics, which has recently experienced something of a renaissance with the availability of third-generation synchrotron sources. It is the first book of its kind. The author begins with a treatment of the funda...
Coherent X-Ray OpticsLecture, Henry Chapman
Coherent X-Ray Optics (Oxford University Press, 2007). Hansen, P. C. REGULARIZATION TOOLS: A matlab package for analysis and solution of discrete ill-posed problems. Numerical Algorithms 6, 1–35 (1994). Article ADS MathSciNet Google Scholar Huijts, J. Broadband Coherent X-ray Diffractive...
Pop-out metrology is a computational wave optics technique that is applicable to coherent electron, neutron, X-ray, or visible light beams. At its core, it shows that the Fourier transform of an image formed by a coherent bright field illumination is essentially a hologram, and by exploiting ...
Coherent X-Ray Optics (Oxford Series on Synchrotron Radiation).pdf x-rays2013-09-03 上传大小:6.00MB 所需:33积分/C币 基于Simulink的锂离子电池双向Buck-Boost DCDC变换器与直流电压源联合供电系统的智能切换与仿真模型,Simulink仿真模型:锂离子电池管理系统的双向DC-DC变换器供电与控制策略 ...
I. Curved-crystal X-ray optics The design parameters of an X-ray spectrometer for inelastic scattering studies are discussed, and a comparison is made of the flux available from various photon sources in the X-ray region. It is shown that a conventional X-ray sealed t... P Suortti,P ...
These methods fail when the field contains phase singularities. We describe the X-ray optical vortex and outline its use as a pathological test object for phase retrieval methods. We also present recent progress towards overcoming the problem of phase retrieval in singular optics. 展开 ...
Some specific applications of zone plates as coherent x-ray optics will be discussed.YunW. B.ViccaroP. J.LaiB.ChrzasJ.Review of Scientific InstrumentsYun W B,Viccaro P J,Lai B,Chrzas J.Coherent hard X-ray focusing optics and applications, Rev.Journal of Scientific Instruments. 1992...
recover an image. However, in the x-ray region, the use of lenses introduces a severe limitation because diffractive x-ray optics must be used, and these are far fromperfect. Although x-ray micro- scopes with ~10-nmspatial resolution have been ...
PACS. 07.60.Ly Interferometers – 78.20.Ci Optical constants (including refractive index, complex di- electric constant, absorption, reflection and transmission coefficients, emissivity) – 41.60.-m Radiation by moving charges – 41.50.+h X-ray beams and X-ray optics 1 Introduction Immediately ...