Fig. 1: Task design. A central black fixation dot was present at all times. This fixation dot briefly turned white to indicate the beginning of a trial and was followed by a 1TR (1880 ms) fixed time interval. Next, a tactile stimulus was presented to the left or right foot, followe...
The microdrive array was a bilateral design (Axona Ltd, UK) customized to hold 12 independently movable tetrodes, along with two fixed fiber-optic cannulae (MFC_240/250–0.63_16.5mm_MF1.25(GK4R)_C45; Doric Lenses Inc, Canada) placing the protruding optic fiber in the center of each tetro...
8 (Cambridge Electronic Design, Cambridge, UK). The saline temperature was continuously recorded by a BAT-12 Microprobe Thermometer (Physitemp, Clifton, NJ, USA). The temperature probe was placed adjacent to the fillet preparation, and the readings were sent to Micro1401. To detect spikes in ...
Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this paper. Data availability Data associated with this Article are available at SRBs and SRJs are available at A list of data fi...
Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) perform distinct functions in various biological processes in mammals, including sex differentiation. However, the roles of lncRNAs in other vertebrates, especially in the Chinese soft-shell turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis), re
WGF participated in the experimental design, and RNA-sequencing. CL performed part of the data analysis. JJ participated in histological analysis and sampling. LLJ and LNF conducted animal experiments and surgical processes. ZJH and SXY conducted qPCR validation. ZP provided the experimental environment...
Reporting summary Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.Data availability The RNA seq, ChIP seq of H3K27me3 and the scRNA seq data with control GapmeR and HOTAIR GapmeR transfected SF have been deposited in the GEO ...
New neurons are continuously generated in the adult brain through a process called adult neurogenesis. This form of plasticity has been correlated with numerous behavioral and cognitive phenomena, but it remains unclear if and how adult-born neurons (abN
We systematically searched main databases and evaluated results from all studies that examined sncRNAs in MS to date (n = 61) and provided a detailed overview of experimental design and findings of these studies. We focused on the mechanisms of the most dysregulated sncRNAs and used ...
We thank Martine Dunnwald for discussion of the in vitro scratch assay, Adam Dupuy for discussion of CRISPR experiment design, and Jeffery Murray, supported by DE08559, for permitting analysis of unpublished targeted resequencing results. We thank Axel Visel and Cailyn Spurrell for preliminary ...