// $this->db->where("sort !=",'a');//注意要有空格,不然就让第3个参数为false(escape),按自己平常的格式 // $this->db->like('name ','关于'); //$this->db->escape();//这个函数用来过滤参数 $condition="(is_show = '1' or id = '3')"; $this->db->where($condition); $quer...
var_dump($res);// "SELECT * FROM `ci_user` LEFT JOIN `ci_user_cate` ON `ci_user_cate`.`id`=`ci_user`.`cate_id` WHERE `ci_user`.`id` = 2 AND `create_at` = 0" */ $res = $this->db->from('user') ->where([ 'ci_user.id' => 2, 'create_at' => 0 ]) ->or_...
client='3' and (type = 'dynamic' or type = 'static')由于使用了左右括号,因此不能直接放入where函数,你可以把这分成两行: $c; $this->db->where($condition);在一些复杂的情况下,你可能需要直接使用SQL语法建立查询而不是使用AR,比如要使用复杂的表连接,子查询,左连接等等。不管怎样,CI框架确保你能做...
Queries will accept Query Builder restrictors such as where(), or_where(), like(), or_like(), etc. Example:echo $this->db->count_all_results('my_table'); // Produces an integer, like 25 $this->db->like('title', 'match'); $this->db->from('my_table'); echo $this->db->...
get_where()方法允许我们从数据库中获取特定的记录,这些记录符合指定的条件。下面是一个简单的get_where()方法的语法: $this->db->get_where('table_name', array('condition' => 'value')); 其中,'table_name'参数指定我们要从中获取记录的表的名称,而条件数组用于指定我们要获取的记录。
How to put Where Condition in update batch in codeigniter I want to update a multiple row using $this->db->update_batch('mytable', $data); But Don't Know How to give condition in this update_batch. Can I use this where? $this->db->where('id', Multiple Ids Here); codeigniter...
In codeigniter code. Use simple php isset and count function on posted array from form. By this you can validate the posted array. Form validation library working every where as you want. Condition for posted data. if(isset($_POST['detail']) && (count($_POST['detail'])>0)){// code...