Codeigniter3学习笔记一(数据库Mysql操作) 数据库操作 下载 ci,并将 ci 中的 application 和 system 以及 index.php 放入到项目根路径。并且在项目根路径下创建 .htaccess文件 在 .htaccess 文件中添加下面内容 修改 application/config/database.php 中数据库配置项 在 application/controllers创建文件(Crud.php)并...
该软件包为 4.x提供了简单的Twig集成。 如果使用CodeIgniter3,请检查分支。 要求 PHP 7.2或更高版本 CodeIgniter 4.0.4或更高版本 Twig 3.1.1或更高版本 安装 与作曲家一起 $ cd /path/to/codeigniter/ $ composer require kenjis/codeigniter-ss-twig ...
The “lean, mean and simple” philosophy has been retained, but the implementation has a lot of differences, compared to CodeIgniter 3.There is no 12-step checklist for upgrading. Instead, start with a copy of CodeIgniter 4 in a new project folder, however you wish to install and use it...
1、下载Smarty类库,并放到CI/Controller/libraries; 修改Smarty.class.php文件名为Smarty.php 2、配置autoload.php,自动加载smarty类 <?php $autoload['libraries'] = array('smarty/Smarty'); 3、在config下面创建smarty.php配置文件,并在autoload.php中自动加载 <?php //config/smarty.php $config['template_dir...
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Email Priority. 1 = highest. 5 = lowest. 3 = normal. CRLF \r\n \r\n, \n or \r Newline character. (Use \r\n to comply with RFC 822). newline \r\n \r\n, \n or \r Newline character. (Use \r\n to comply with RFC 822). BCCBatchMode false true/...
最近在弄毕业设计啦,采用CodeIgniter4+Vue3来做的,前后端分离项目,首先便是跨域问题。一顿搜索无果后,自己折腾了一个解决方案,希望能帮助到看到这篇文章的你。 二、跨域问题 由于浏览器的 同源策略 限制,使用前后端分离的模式下,前端和后端的域名一般都不是一样的,在我的项目中,前端是使用二级域名,而后端是使用...
我们汇总了框架从 v4.3.7 到 v4.4.3 的版本发布简报,中文手册也已经同步升级到了 v4.4.3 版本:下面是简报内容: 我们发布了新的 Bug 修复版本 v4.3.7。这包含…
The "lean, mean and simple" philosophy has been retained, but the implementation has a lot of differences, compared to CodeIgniter 3. There is no 12-step checklist for upgrading. Instead, start with a copy of CodeIgniter 4 in a new project folder,however you wish to install and use it,...
In CodeIgniter 4, Hooks have been replaced by Events. Instead of the CodeIgniter 3 method like$hook['post_controller_constructor'], you now utilize Events as follows:Events::on('post_controller_constructor', ['MyClass', 'MyFunction']);, ensuring to include the namespaceCodeIgniter\Events\Even...
This helper is automatically loaded by the framework on every request.Available Functions The following functions are available: site_url([$uri = ''[, $protocol = null[, $altConfig = null]]]) Parameters: $uri (array|string)– URI string or array of URI segments. $protocol (string...