CodeIgniter comprises of libraries, interfaces, helpers, plug-ins and many other functionalities which makes your work easy and maintain a high performance. CodeIgniter supports PHP versions of 5.2.6 or higher. CodeIgniter is an open source framework. It’s a free, light-weighted toolkit which...
Installation: composer create-project codeigniter4/appstarter your-app-name Website: Documentation: CodeIgniter docs FuelPHP FuelPHP is the youngest framework on this list. It’s introduced with the following proposition: The Fuel PHP Framework is a fast, simple, and flexible PHP 5.4...
Neither does big-O asymptotic notation care about non-asymptotic stuff ("stuff near the origin" or "what happens when the problem size is small"): the function 10x² is said to "grow exactly like" 10x² - x + 2. Why would you want to ignore the smaller parts of the equation?...
CodeIgniter is probably one of the most comprehensive frameworks on this list. It provides only the basics but is extremely extendable, allowing you to do almost anything you need. This framework also offers security features and promotes the M...
SSO in Codeigniter framework of PHP using Azure statusCode 500 "Internal Server Error", API Inspector shows no error. Clueless. Time out error while creating VM from Azure VM image. Unable to deploy all APIM policies through ARM template Unable to import Swagger JSON file Unexpected charac...
Its goal is to enable you to develop projects much faster than you could if you were writing code from scratch, by providing a rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a simple interface and logical structure to access these libraries. CodeIgniter lets you creatively focus...
What is msnplugin.exe doing on my computer? msnplugin.exe is a process belonging to msnplugin 应用程序. Non-system processes like msnplugin.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data on your hard disk and in your system's registry, it is ...
Capacity Planning is now supported for Kubernetes monitors, in addition to AWS monitors and Server monitor. Optimize your Kubernetes resources for specific operations or workloads and track capacity utilization using metrics such as CPU, memory, and storage. Febraury 04, 2025 APM Insight Simplified ...
Here, It’sillegalfor class B to inherit class A because A is declared as Final NOTE:All classes are Base class until its not declared as final. I hope you have got the idea about final keywords in PHP by this post. Also, read how to createPagination in CodeIgniter.Do let me know ...
CodeIgniter registers all of these:set_error_handler('_error_handler'); set_exception_handler('_exception_handler'); register_shutdown_function('_shutdown_handler');Therefore, it is in control of such unexpected errors, not Apache. In all the error examples I gave, it will ultimately call ...