但仍然指向错误的url localhost/sistem/menu它应该指向localhost/site/system/menu,所以我添加了base_url...
You can also use a URL: <?php $email->attach('http://example.com/filename.pdf'); If you’d like to use a custom file name, you can use the third parameter: <?php $email->attach('filename.pdf', 'attachment', 'report.pdf'); If you need to use a buffer string instead of...
Returns your site URL, as specified in your config file. The index.php file (or whatever you have set as your site Config\App::$indexPage in your config file) will be added to the URL, as will any URI segments you pass to the function. You are encouraged to use this function any ...
Filters:A bug where URI paths processed by Filters were not URL-decoded has been fixed. fix: Time::difference() DST bug by @kenjis in#8661 Fixed Bugs Refactoring refactor: replace PHP_VERSION by PHP_VERSION_ID by @justbyitself in#8618 ...
return redirect()->to(site_url()); } } else { echo view('product_add'); } } public function update() { helper(['form', 'url']); if($this->request->getPost('submit')) { $validation = \Config\Services::validation();
Derek Jones edited this page Jul 5, 2012 · 4 revisions How to paginate a grid with xajax and codeigniter I take the pagination class that comes in the codeIgniter library and modify some lines to get it running with xajax. I hope this will useful for you, this works for me. Any ...
Automated testing of all parameters, headers, URL, cookies, JSON, SOAP, and XML data inputs is strongly encouraged. Organizations can include static (SAST), dynamic (DAST), and interactive (IAST) application security testing tools into the CI/CD pipeline to identify introduced injection flaws ...
$route (string)– The route name or Controller::method to redirect the user to. Return type: RedirectResponse Returns a RedirectResponse instance allowing you to easily create redirects. See Redirect for details. remove_invisible_characters($str[, $urlEncoded = true]) Parameters: $str (st...
Redirect Status Code The default HTTP status code for GET requests is 302. However, when using HTTP/1.1 or later, 303 is used for POST/PUT/DELETE requests and 307 for all other requests. You can specify the status code: // Redirect to a URI path relative to baseURL with status ...