Any of the HTTP_ headers can be set on the client level so if we don't store URL's ourselves it could easily be abused during phishing attempts, inserted javascript files, etc to redirect the user back to another site for an instant, grab the user's old form data, and send them ba...
return redirect()->route('user_gallery', [], 308); // Redirect back with status code 302. return redirect()->back(302); 备注 由于一个错误,在 v4.3.3 或更早版本中,即使指定了状态码, 实际重定向响应的状态码也可能被改变。请参阅 ChangeLog v4.3.4。 如果你不知道重定向的 HTTP 状态码,建...
redirect(string $uri) param string $uri: 需要引导用户重定向到的页面. 返回以后RedirectResponse的实例以便创建重定向: // 回到上一个页面Go back to the previous pagereturnredirect()->back();// 跳转至具体的URIreturnredirect()->to('/admin');// 跳转到一个命名路由或反向路由 URIreturnredirect()->...
return redirect()->back()->withInput(); } ?> <!-- In your view file: --> <input type="email" name="email" value="<?= old('email') ?>"> <!-- Or with arrays: --> <input type="email" name="user[email]" value="<?= old('') ?>"> Note If you are using...
// 在控制器中查看表单提交if(!$model->save($user)){// 'withInput'方法意味着"原有的数据"需要被存储。returnredirect()->back()->withInput();}// 视图中<input type="email"name="email"value="<?= old('email') ?>">// 以数组的形式<input type="email"name="user[email]"value="<?= ol...
return redirect()->to('admin/home', 301); // Redirect to a route with status code 308. return redirect()->route('user_gallery', [], 308); // Redirect back with status code 302. return redirect()->back(302); Note Due to a bug, in v4.3.3 or previous versions, the status co...
在上述示例中,LoginController是一个处理登录请求的控制器。在index()方法中,首先获取用户输入的用户名和密码,然后调用validateUser()方法进行验证。如果验证成功,将用户信息存储在会话中,并使用redirect()函数将用户重定向到之前访问的页面。 需要注意的是,上述示例中的用户验证逻辑需要根据具体的业务需求进行实现。另外...
CSRF Filter redirect back not working #2395 Bug: 404 error page override with cache #2391 Bug: Mixed migration formats don't order #2386 Bug: \CodeIgniter\Model::validate() returns TRUE if $data is empty #2384 Bug: Usage of static::methodName in CodeIgniter\Config\Services prevents Service...
return redirect()->to(site_url()); } } public function delete_product() { if($this->request->getGet('id')) { $model = new ProductModel(); $model->delete_product_info($this->request->getGet('id')); //$model->where('id', $id)->delete(); ...
config: remove App\ and Config\ in autoload.psr-4 in app starter composer.json by @kenjis in #5824 fix: failover's DBPrefix not working by @kenjis in #5816 fix: Validation returns incorrect errors after Redirect with Input by @kenjis in #5844 ...