当前使用的数据库平台(mysql、mssql 等)。 version() 数据库版本。 query($sql[,$binds = FALSE[,$return_object = NULL]]) 执行一个 SQL 查询。 如果是读类型的查询,执行 SQL 成功后将返回结果对象。 有以下几种可能的返回值: 如果是写类型的查询,执行成功返回 TRUE 执行失败返回 FALSE 如果是读类型的...
连接和会话是CodeIgniter中的两个重要概念。 连接(Connection): 概念:连接是指与数据库建立通信的过程。CodeIgniter支持多种数据库,包括MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQLite等。 分类:根据不同的数据库类型,连接可以分为不同的驱动(Driver)。每个驱动都有自己的配置选项和连接方式。 优势:CodeIgniter的数据库连接功能简单易用,可以...
在CodeIgniter 3中,事务处理查询可以通过以下步骤完成: 1. 首先,确保你已经配置好了数据库连接。在CodeIgniter的配置文件(通常是config/database.php)中,你...
当前使用的数据库平台(mysql、mssql 等) version() 数据库版本。 query($sql[, $binds = FALSE[, $return_object = NULL]]) 执行一个 SQL 查询。 如果是读类型的查询,执行 SQL 成功后将返回结果对象。 有以下几种可能的返回值: 如果是写类型的查询,执行成功返回 TRUE 执行失败返回 FALSE 如果是读类型的...
Hello everyone, my app work with several databases, mysql (windows), mariadb (linux) and mssql (windows). I can connect to sql server database but I need to connect it with the connection info "Language"=>"English" to prevent to have different formats of date to manage in my request...
Fixed a bug (#3314) - SQLSRV Database driver’s method count_all() didn’t escape the supplied table name. Fixed a bug (#3404) - MySQLi Database driver’s method escape_str() had a wrong fallback to mysql_escape_string() when there was no active connection. Fixed a bug in the...
The name of the platform in use (mysql, mssql, etc…). version() Returns: The version of the database being used Return type: string Database version number. query($sql[, $binds = FALSE[, $return_object = NULL]]) Parameters: $sql (string)– The SQL statement to execute $binds (...
However, when I pulled the v2.1.2 code and copied it to my server, my database connection was totally hosed, wouldn't even connect with sqlsrv or PDO. Checking in database/drivers/sqlsrv, it seems to have reverted back to the previous connection problem (http://ellislab.com/forums/vi...
Fixed a bug - Redis :doc:`Caching <libraries/caching>` driver didn't handle connection failures properly. Fixed a bug (#2756) - :doc:`Database Class <database/index>` executed the MySQL-specific SET SESSION sql_mode query for all drivers when the 'stricton' option is set. Fixed a bu...
The same is true when using RawSql, which specifies a raw SQL statement.Loading the Query Builder The Query Builder is loaded through the table() method on the database connection. This sets the FROM portion of the query for you and returns a new instance of the Query Builder class:...