CodeIgniter Forums Using CodeIgniter Installation & Setup Codeigniter 3 and sqlsrv Codeigniter 3 and sqlsrvmonomichoNewbiePosts: 3 Threads: 2 Joined: May 2015 Reputation: 0 #1 05-04-2015, 07:34 AM How can i connect sql server 2008 and code?
Hello everyone, my app work with several databases, mysql (windows), mariadb (linux) and mssql (windows). I can connect to sql server database but I need to connect it with the connection info "Language"=>"English" to prevent to have different formats of date to manage in my request...
例如: data = """SELECT * FROM table WHERE date > 'from_date' AND date < 'to_date'""" db_conn = pymysql.connect(host=xxx, user=xxx, password=
// Open a connection to the APNS server $fp= stream_socket_client( 'ssl://',$err, $errstr, 60, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT|STREAM_CLIENT_PERSISTENT,$ctx); if(!$fp) exit("Failed to connect: $err $errstr". PHP_EOL); echo'Connected to APNS'. PHP_EOL; // Cr...
Could not connect to the MySQL service. Please check the config file. 1 2 意思是: 无法连接到MySQL服务。 请检查你的config文件。 01 Zabbix6.0 LTS 分布式部署Proxy(五) Zabbix Proxy 可以替代 Zabbix Server 收集主机设备的性能和可用性数据从而减轻 Zabbix Server 的压力。 03 【Python】已解决:pymssql....
or die('Cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db ($db['default']['database']); echo ' Connected OK:' ; die( 'file: ' .__FILE__ . '--> Line: ' .__LINE__); 显示报错,问题是mysql_connect(): No such file or directory报错。 因为以前也...
(3.多个数据库连接$db1 = ConfigDatabase::connect(group_one); $db2 = ConfigDatabase::connect(group_two); // 若你使用 MySQLi 数据库驱动,reconnect() 方法并不能 ping 通服务器但它可以关闭连接然后再次连接。 $db->reconnect(); // 手动关闭数据库 // 虽然 CodeIgniter 可以智能的管理并自动关闭...
Hi guys Since upgrading from CodeIgniter 2.2 to 3.1, I keep receiving this error. I know that many of you consider this as an ideal PHP problem or behavior when doing some heavy work before executing SQL statement, but I see that I'm not...
For example, when using SQLite3 you will not need to supply a username or password, and the database name will be the path to your database file.MySQLi hostname Configuring a Socket Connection To connect to a MySQL server over a filesystem socket, the path to the socket ...
Starting with v4.3.2, you can connect Redis with TLS protocol. Redis is a storage engine typically used for caching and popular because of its high performance, which is also probably your reason to use the ‘RedisHandler’ session driver. The downside is that it is not as ubiquitous as ...