Codeforces 1239C. Queue in the Train 传送门 事实上就是模拟 搞一个优先队列维护一下事件结构体:时间,人的编号,入队还是出队 再维护两个setset,队列内的人inQueueinQueue,想要进入队列内的人wantwant 然后模拟模拟模拟! 初始把所有入队事件塞到优先队列,顺便维护一下当前最后一个取完水的时刻 每次取出优先队列...
7 years ago, # | +1 Bro this is not a problem.When system becomes busy too much to judge submission it's kept other submission in queue. → Reply Bakry 7 years ago, # ^ | 0 Okay , I think because Contest I will return after 1 hour and see my submission → Reply gho...
These days it is happening too often that solution goes to "In queue" status after submitting a solution. Earlier it used to happen only at the time of contest running, that makes sense too because a lot of people are trying to submit at the same time and that creates heavy load on ...
priority_queue<pair<longlong,int> >Q1; priority_queue<int> Q2; set<int> EmptyQueue; queue<int>Q3;constintmaxn =1e5+7;intn;longlongp;longlongans[maxn];intmain(){scanf("%d%lld",&n,&p);for(inti=0;i<n;i++){longlongt;scanf("%lld",&t); Q1.push(make_pair(-t,-i)); }lo...
Still In queue! →Reply yh11 3 years ago,#| 0 Facing same issue. →Reply RaadSharar 3 years ago,#| +1 Just lost the arugo challenge despite solving the problem in 20 minutes. →Reply strange14 3 years ago,#| 0 MikeMirzayanovPlease see to it ...
In-Queue for 15 minutes. is it server maintenance or something like that? Compare Revisions History Revisions Rev.Lang.ByWhenΔComment en3RaadSharar2021-11-20 08:34:3038Tiny change: 'ke that?\n' -> 'ke that?\nEDIT : Now it's been about 40 minutes.' ...
I tried to submit a solution about 9 hours back. Went to sleep and then woke up hoping to see the result but stillIn queue? Why is this happening? UPD: My submission is now judged. time limit exceeded? +5 Zzyzx 10 years ago
This is my submission for 636 (Div 3) for Problem C, I made this submission during contest it's still in queue. Does it takes time?-4 charan2628 4 years ago 1 Comments (1) Write comment? imasnegi 4 years ago, # | +1 I think after contest codeforces tests each solution on...
Input Format:The first line contains an integer n (1 <= n <= 10^5), the number of people in the queue. The second line contains n space-separated positive integers P1, P2, ..., Pn. (1 <= Pi <= n), where Pi is the initial preferred chair number of the i-th person. ...
I have found a couple of ways to update a key in the priority queue when I searched online. I am just wondering what way of implementation do you prefer using existing C++ STL data structures?