最近手头的工作需要用CUDA给Pytorch写扩展,这个环境搭建起来就很烦。后来发现,现在Docker对显卡的支持已经非常友好了,于是试了一下,效果如下图。 Docker Image: CUDA+CodeSever+Miniconda 这个CodeServer+CUDA+Conda的搭配,借助IPv6,让我拥有了一致性非常好的开发环境,随时随地打开浏览器就进行编码和调试。Docker使得我...
使用codeserver进行AI开发 • 首先安装python的插件 通过搜索python,安装python的插件 • 安装TensorFlow 安装TensorFlow有多种方法,最常用的就是pip和conda,我们这里通过conda安装,我们在codeserver上通过terminal安装conda,打开terminal在清华大学的源上下载miniconda, wget https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda...
使用codeserver进行AI开发 • 首先安装python的插件 通过搜索python,安装python的插件 • 安装TensorFlow 安装TensorFlow有多种方法,最常用的就是pip和conda,我们这里通过conda安装,我们在codeserver上通过terminal安装conda,打开terminal在清华大学的源上下载miniconda, wget https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda...
Windows Server 2016 Standard CMD executed with admin-permissions Conda Details conda info active environment:C:\PythonEnvironments\PowerBIExport active env location:C:\PythonEnvironments\PowerBIExport shell level:2 user config file:C:\Users\MSGWAdm\.condarc populated config files:conda version:24.1.2...
cd DexCap/install conda env create -n mocap -f env_nuc_windows.yml The second step is to install and build environments for the Ubuntu workstation, which could also be a headless server for dataset building and training. Simply follow: ...
conda install -c conda-forge r-languageserver pip install radian 1. 2. 在vscode中安装插件 在扩展里搜索R并安装,现在只需要安装这一个插件就可以 需要对插件R进行设置,一点要选择在远程里设置!!! 三、使用 source activate renv #激活环境 radian #进入R ...
You can update your version of Anaconda on the Conda website once the new version is released.Smart selection and better folding supportImprovements were also made for Python code selection and folding via the Pylance language server.Selecting Python code using the keyboard takes fewer keystrokes as...
1️⃣ 安装Radian的话,需要你的电脑上有pyhon(3.6或以上),建议大家通过conda进行安装。😚 代码语言:javascript 复制 pip3 install-Uradian 2️⃣ 安装完后输入radian确认安装成功。🤨 代码语言:javascript 复制 radian 6.2 配置Radian 1️⃣ 接着就需要配置Radian来取代之前的R terminal,大家点开设置(...
Note: the voice recognition runs locally on your machine and is never sent to any server.WorkbenchRestore auxiliary windowsWith this release, all opened floating window associated with a main window will restore when you restart the application. This includes opened editors, and size and location ...