CODEOfEThiCs职业道德规范-Mapei.PDF,CODE Of EThiCs 职业道德规范 2014 年 5 月 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 Chapter 1. GENERAL PRINCIPLES 4 Chapter 2. BUSINESS CONDUCT 4 CONfLiCT Of iNTEREsT 4 Third-party business interests and relationships 6 Corruption, gifts and
Ahold Delhaize Code of EthicsOur Commitment to Ethics At Ahold Delhaize, our shared values support an ethical culture and are the foundation of our commitment to conduct our business by doing what’s right, every day. We take a three-step approach to building an ethical culture. We create ...
HORIBA has drawn up its Code of Ethics comprised of eight articles (1. Compliance, 2. Excellent products and services, 3. Healthy relationship with governments, 4. Creation of a rewarding workplace, 5. Respect for human rights, 6. Engagement with stakeholders, 7. Environmental protection, and ...
AD Code Of Ethics Greek PDF, 6 MB AD Code Of Ethics Indonesian PDF, 4 MB AD Code Of Ethics Romanian PDF, 4 MB AD Code of Ethics Serbian PDF, 4 MB AD Code Of Ethics Spanish PDF, 4 MB AD Code Of Ethics Czech PDF, 4 MB
Sappi Code of Ethics (pdf, 3838kB) Sappi Group Whistle-blowing Policy (pdf, 234kB) Sappi Group Anti-retaliation Policy (pdf, 225kB) We believe our personal commitment to work within Sappi’s Code of Ethics will lead to a better company and community. ...
NASW_Code_of_Ethics电子版.pdf,Code of Ethics of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SOCIAL WORKERS Approved by the 1996 Delegate Assembly and Revised by the 1999 NASW Delegate Assembly Preamble The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance huma
CIMA CODE OF ETHICS(CIMA道德规范).pdf,CIMA CODE OF ETHICS For professional accountants October 2010 CIMA CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS CIMA PREFACE As Chartered Management Accountants CIMA members (and registered students) throughout the
• He or she has a question about the lawful or ethical course of action; • He or she believes that someone has violated or may violate The Code o Ethics or a supporting policy, such as The Key Policies; or • He or she believes that they may have violated The Code of Ethi...
Sappi Code of Ethics (pdf, 3838kB) Sappi Group Whistle-blowing Policy (pdf, 234kB) Sappi Group Anti-retaliation Policy (pdf, 225kB) We believe our personal commitment to work within Sappi’s Code of Ethics will lead to a better company and community. ...
COACHESCODEOFETHICS Introduction Theroleofthecoachwithinthesportsoficeskatingisaveryimportantone.Thecoach isamentor,ateacherandaconfidanteandmustthereforedemonstrateexemplary behaviouratalltimes.TheCodeofEthicsoutlinesNISAregulationsandstandardsof behaviourincompetenceandintegrity.Thepurposeistoadviseallcoacheson appropriat...