More commonly, combinations of more widespread factors are involved in the choice of splicing pathway. This gives rise to the concept of 'cellular codes', which are constituted by particular combinations of regulatory factors. Members of the SR protein family can activate splicing by binding to ...
Peridynamics is a nonlocal extension of classical continuum mechanics that was introduced by Stewart Silling in 2000 [1]. The key characteristic of peridynamics is that the governing equations do not include spatial derivatives of the displacement field, and are therefore well suited for modeling mate...
The amplicon sequencing procedures were performed in an Illumina Miseq PE250 platform [29]. The V3-V4 region of the bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene was selected for the amplification. There were two universal primers linking with indices and sequencing adaptors. The forward primer (5′...
and how PSR excludes itself from elimination. More generally, how can a single chromosome target the rest of the genome for elimination while not targeting itself, when indeed both entities consist of chromatin and are components
While several studies correlated increased expression of the histone code reader Spin1 with tumor formation or growth, little is known about physiological functions of the protein. We generated Spin1M5 mice with ablation of Spin1 in myoblast precursors u
For the use of human specimens, this study was approved and conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Ethics Committee of Shanghai Tenth People’s Hospital (No. SHSY-IEC-KY-4.0/18-182/01). All participants give written informed consent. Culture of human and mouse SMCs P...