例:“a strict dress code”(严格的着装要求)·“a stern code of honor” ·“To be worthy of that love, he adopted a strict code of moral conduct.” 同义词:set of principles · set of standards · set of customs · manners 这里“code of conduct”的“code”正是第三个义项。类似的表达还...
today'sbest code of conduct examplesare visually engaging, readable, and useful to employees as guides to help them make ethical decisions and do the right thing.Good codes of conductprovide a behavioral framework for individual business professionals, teams, leaders, ...
Includes any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, “junk mail,”“spam,”“chain letters,”“pyramid schemes,” or any other form of solicitation. This prohibition includes but is not limited to (a) using Alignable invitations to send messages to people who don’t know ...
An email was sent explaining our decision and referencing our code of conduct which states that we may revoke or refuse membership under these circumstances. When this person then chose to enter the convention the next day, we told them that they would not be allowed to buy a membership and...
Code of Conduct Building Trust Together Contents 3 Foreword by our President and CEO 4 Digital platforms 5 Integrity 5 Conflicts of Interest 6 Anti-Bribery and Corruption 7 Protection of Assets and Information 7 Accounting Practices 8 Competitive Behavior 8 Insider Trading 9 Political and Charitable ...
CODE OF CONDUCT FOR USE OF THE DUDUK FORUM DO NOT 1. Post vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, invasive of a person’s privacy, threatening, inaccurate, defamatory, false, insulting, or abusive material. 2. Post advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, solicitations. ...
Code of conduct DataJournalism.comBeta The DataJournalism.com platforms are where the data journalism community and anyone interested in data journalism come to ask questions, discuss and share advice (or let off steam, sometimes). We understand some of the debate can get heated and we encourage...
Code of Conduct for Directors Constitution Remuneration Policy Shareholders 1. Core Philosophy of the Group -“Creating Value, Enabling Our People and Acting with Integrity” The Group’s commitment towards ethical values and standard of behaviour are supported by the CIMB philosophy of “Value...
On June 26, 2018, our Board of Directors approved and adopted an updated Code of Conduct (the “2018 Code”), applicable to our directors, officers and employees. The 2018 Code is being updated as at September 19, 2021 (the “Code”) to add new sections for diversity, conduct in the ...