English |中文|日本語|Contributing|CODE_OF_CONDUCT Multiple storages Local storage Aliyundrive OneDrive / Sharepoint (global,cn,de,us) 189cloud(Personal, Family) GoogleDrive 123pan FTP / SFTP PikPak S3 Seafile UPYUN Storage Service WebDav(Support OneDrive/SharePoint without API) ...
Code of conduct MIT license Modalist Modalist is a powerful & lightweight (asynchronous) modal plugin. Here is how it works: You create a distinct Modalist object for every modal style. You trigger a modal from your frontend code passing custom parameters ...
Please clickherefor the"code of conduct",which will be signed by the elected candidates on the day of the Assembly. Best regards, Giulia Ziggiotti Secretary General
道德准则: the code of good conduct for an individual or group【例】 Rigorous self-discipline was central to the ethos of the ancient Spartans. 严格的自律是古代斯巴达人所尊崇的核心道德准则。【近】 ethics, morality, morals, norms, principles, standardsexorcise【考法 1】 vt. 除去: to get rid...
TermsOfServiceProperties TokenBodyParameterContract TranslateRequiredQueryParametersConduct 使用者 UserCollection UserConfirmationPassword UserConfirmationPasswordSendOptionalParams UserContract UserContractProperties UserCreateOrUpdateHeaders UserCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams UserCreateOrUpdateResponse UserCreateParamete...
TermsOfServiceProperties TokenBodyParameterContract TranslateRequiredQueryParametersConduct 使用者 UserCollection UserConfirmationPassword UserConfirmationPasswordSendOptionalParams UserContract UserContractProperties UserCreateOrUpdateHeaders UserCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams UserCreateOrUpdateResponse UserCreateParamet...
The brand could do a lot better in terms of transparency: it does not disclose anything about how its products are made and where, and there is no information about the factories involved in the manufacturing process. Garage’ssupplier code of conductis very short, and it states that factorie...
Presenting China's request, Chairperson of the Evaluation Body Yonas Desta said, "The evaluation body is pleased to find that the traditional Chinese calendar which has provably influenced the people's way of thinking and code of conduct continues to be an important carrier of Chinese cultural ide...
TermsOfServiceProperties TokenBodyParameterContract TranslateRequiredQueryParametersConduct 用户 UserCollection UserConfirmationPassword UserConfirmationPasswordSendOptionalParams UserContract UserContractProperties UserCreateOrUpdateHeaders UserCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams UserCreateOrUpdateResponse UserCreateParameterPr...
Balance Sheet CAAT Computer Assisted Audit Technique CBK Center for Business Knowledge Channel 1 Audit or attest-based account client relationship Channel 2 Non-audit-centric client relationship COC Code of Conduct COT or COTs Class of Transaction or Classes of Transactions CR Control Risk CRA Combined...