cambodiacivil诉讼法codeproceduresection TentativeEnglishTranslation(November5,2003)TheoriginalinKhmerwassubmittedtotheCouncilofMinistersinJune20031-DRAFTOFTHECODEOFCIVILPROCEDUREOFCAMBODIATableofContentsBOOKONEGENERALPROVISIONS...5CHAPTERONETENOROFCODE,PURPOSEOFCIVILACTIONS,OBLIGATIONSOFCOURTANDPARTIES.5CHAPTERTWOCOURT...
On December 08, 2007 the new Civil Code of Cambodia was promulgated by Royal Kram № NS/RKM/1207/030. Together with the Criminal Code, the Civil Procedure Codes, and the Criminal Code it was defined as both a fundamental law as well as a strategic objective of the Council for the Legal...
Sakano, IsseiFor the detail, see Issei Sakano, "Drafting fundamental laws in Cambodia: Japan's experience in supporting legislation of the Civil Code and the Code of Civil Procedure,"(presentation paper, Law & Society Association Denver Conference, 2009)....
the criminal procedure code and the civil code, as well as the approval of the criminalcodeattheCouncilofMinisters (c) 柬埔寨政府在促进法律和司法改革方面,在法律和司法改革委员会领 导下作出的努力和取得的进展,包括通过并实施几项基本法,如民事诉讼法、刑事诉...
during the elaboration ofthenew Penal Code. 保加利亚注意到此项建议,将在拟定新的《刑法典》时仔细考虑这项建议。 (f) The efforts made by the Government of Cambodia in ...