【柬埔寨】民事诉讼法 THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE OF CAMBODIA 热度: TentativeEnglishTranslation(Sep.172,2008) TheoriginalinKhmerwassubmittedtotheCouncilofMinistersinJune2003 Discussionw/WB&ADBinAugust2004reflected THECIVILCODEOFCAMBODIA TableofContents ...
【柬埔寨】柬埔寨民法典 (英文)THE CIVIL CODE OF CAMBODIA.pdf 热度: 【柬埔寨】民事诉讼法 THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE OF CAMBODIA 热度: 【波兰】波兰民法典(英文)Civil Code of Poland 热度: TentativeEnglishTranslation(Sep.172,2008) TheoriginalinKhmerwassubmittedtotheCouncilofMinistersinJune2003 ...
The Cambodia Civil Code mobile app is designed for everyone to improve the accessibility and readability of Cambodia Civil Code. 新内容 版本记录 2024年6月26日 版本1.0.2 -enhance search functionality and fix typos App 隐私 开发者“sopheareach te”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方...
Giving Victims a Voice: Civil Society, the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, and the Crimes of the Khmer RougeHerman, Johanna
Cambodia - Civil War, Khmer Rouge, Genocide: In March 1970, while Prince Sihanouk was visiting the Soviet Union, the National Assembly voted to remove him from office as head of state. Lon Nol subsequently took control of the government. Confused and hur