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for stage, rep in enumerate(repetitions): for block in range(rep): filters = 64 * (2 ** stage) if block == 0 and stage == 0: x = residual_conv_block(filters, stage, block, strides=(1, 1), cut='post')(x) elif block == 0: x = residual_conv_block(filters, stage, block...
act for JDf + act of grace JEd BD act on JFg f act out JF/ t act upon JGs j action I27 Bk activate I4f BN active I5s BY activist I7E k activity I7o 2 actor I8e h actual I8/ Bv actuality I+u 4 actually I/m BK actuary JAw j actuate JBT q acuity JHP y acute JIB BB ...
as opposed to always using the five vowels. To do this we can add a second argument to the function that specifies the letters to searchphrasefor. This is an easy change to make. However, once we make it, the function (as it stands) will be incorrectly...
build_circle ef48 bungalow e591 burst_mode e43c bus_alert e98f business e0af business_center eb3f cabin e589 cable efe6 cached e86a cake e7e9 calculate ea5f calendar_month ebcc calendar_today e935 calendar_view_day e936 calendar_view_month efe7 calendar_view_week efe8 call e0b0 call_...
for(var i = 0; i < hexarray.length - 1; i += 2) {var tmp = parseInt(hexarray.slice(i,i+2), 16);result[i/2] = tmp;}return result;}function insertchar(big, c, index) {return big.substr(0,index) + c + big.substr(index);...
... until you can't build the project because you have too many types so you blow the memory limit in node. I can up the limit, but I can't guarantee that we won't blow past this in the future. Browsing issues on the ts repo reveals that this has been a thing for years. Stic...
Gee, maybe you could afford to pay me a living wage or incentivize me to keep working 6+ hours a night at home if you stopped giving away everything I build for free. You lower the value of my work and every other web developer out there when you tell clients that the website I...
#1007. Minimum Domino Rotations For Equal Row (M) 1500 #1029. Two City Scheduling (M+) 1600 #1111. Maximum Nesting Depth of Two Valid Parentheses Strings (M+) 1600 #1121. Divide Array Into Increasing Sequence (H-) 1700 #1199. Minimum Time Building Block (H) 1800 #1288. Remove...
(singular or plural) He, she, it, him, her, them, they Self, oneself One, someone, another person Other, another, different, alternative My, mine Your, yours His, her, its Our, ours Your, yours (plural) Their, theirs For That, which, who Whose Well, well done, good Voila, ...