I really like volunteering at the BLOCK Project because it shows how complex a house is to build, with so many moving parts that all need to be precise. They’ve somehow made it straightfoward for people with no experience to build meaningful parts of a house, which is impressive when the...
We didn’t have internet in our hostel till my 7th semester. Our head of department had assigned my friend and I a project to build Student Management System in PHP ( DB – MySQL). We both were absolutely clueless on how to even get started on language we had never seen before. We m...
In the meantime, Pinky and a horse have fallen in love. The World Domination Plan"When I build my Reverse Geotropic Arrestor, and throw it from the North Pole, in a matter of seconds, the cable will become taut, gravity will cease, and everyone will fly off the face of the Earth. ...