Here we're continuously tracking COD Vanguard, Warzone/2.0, Modern Warfare 1/2, & Black Ops Cold War issues & bugs and their current status.
Related: Black Ops Cold War Zombies Onslaught Is PlayStation Exclusive For 1 Year Many Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War players have taken to Reddit to voice their frustrations over how much experience is required for them to unlock new attachments. Several users stated that despite having a ...
Black Ops 2 is coming up this fall, and the original Black Ops is just coming to Mac. Macs are good for everything except gaming. marzer macrumors 65816 Nov 14, 2009 1,404 135 Colorado Jul 2, 2012 #53 iSayuSay said: When it comes to gaming, ther...
使命召唤系列(Call of Duty Series,CoD)树大根深,光主机PC端单体作品就已经出了21代,设定有二战、现代战争(冷战、海湾战争)、未来战争和太空战争等等,除此之外还出了多人对战的coop/battle royale和手游等等衍生,(不管有多少争议)以知名度和商业价值为衡量CoD绝对可以是游戏界第一IP。 稀记得十几年前玩过老现代...
所以我根据它们的参数属性做一些非专业评测 34016 使命召唤吧 hanxingyu1996 【12.11】使命召唤黑色行动3更新内容原文来自 中文来自A9VG的使命召唤板块 Weapons Submachine Guns Kuda Increased ability to control recoil. 提高控制力 VMP...
Black Ops 6 CDL GA’s What’s next? Image via Activision Now that Ranked Play rules reflect the current CDL ruleset, the GA’s could potentially trickle into the game for regular players, too. For example, in the earliest days ofBO6,players are already talking about a GA for assault ri...
今天凌晨有玩家在Reddit论坛发出了其通过某种途径获得的三款大锤尚未在游戏中正式发布的武器变种,分别是98k的指挥官II(Commander II)英雄变种,M1911的总数II(Totalize II)英雄变种以及P08的鹰日II(Adlertag II)英雄变种。将这几张与此前PC解包获得的皮肤库对比可知这些皮肤应该是真实存在的,但大锤究竟何时推出尚不...
bind 0 "name ma^1$^7kota." bind 1 "weapnext" bind 2 "weapnext" bind 3 "name K^6i^7nG" bind 4 "+smoke" bind 5 "name ^9V^64^9.ShadowS^6.^9LOW CLAN" bind 6 "name Bitchezz^909 ^7wizz" bind 7 "name buzzeRd elite-3k2^4|^7KinG" ...
bind RIGHTARROW "openscriptmenu quickpromod specops" bind CTRL "goprone" bind SHIFT "+breath_sprint" bind F1 "vote yes" bind F2 "vote no" bind F4 "+scores" bind F9 "r_filmTweakBrightness 0.4 ; r_filmTweakContrast 2.3 ; r_filmTweakDarkTint 1.4 1.6 2 ; r_filmTweakEnable 1 ; r_fil...
手感方面,我认为cod19开枪很舒服,而2042就像在玩aim lab; 而游戏性上面,2042大型图全程远射我杀不了几个人,小型 分享113201 使命召唤吧 Liamwooo COD14的SBMM(根据你的水平来匹配玩家)基本是确定了 事情是这样的Driftor在reddit上发了个悬赏,谁能证明这个游戏是SBMM的话,就会支付壹仟美金。然后有人把测试后的...