Today at 2:40 PM Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 C Are You Serious? HE1 Latest: CascadiaSRL Today at 10:33 AM Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 S Black Ops 6 Patch Notes: Key Changes (Nov 25, 2024) Latest: sniperitmeless Today at 3:27 AM ...
04:24 pm (IST): Some COD Vanguard players are getting the Dev error 5573 message and have taken to social platforms such as Twitter and Reddit (1, 2, 3, 4) to seek help in dealing with the problem. Luckily, it seems that there are a few workarounds (1, 2) that you could try...
论画面,优化可比11和13都好 我觉得可玩 分享262 使命召唤吧 双马尾优优姬 【原创】BO3黑色行动剧情完整分析,以及所有隐藏内容挖掘贴事先声明一下,这个帖子的内容是全原创的,整个分析和所有线索至今为止我在国内外的游戏社区(比如说reddit bo3)也没有看见过类似的分析贴,应该能说是全球首发了。 我在这个帖子里会...
RELATED:Black Ops: Cold War Has An FoV Slider On All Platforms That's not just a bunch of fancy PR talk, either.One redditorwent to painstakingly lengths to mention every single change made between the alpha and beta, then traced each change back to a specific reddit post discussing that ...
All Operators & Identity Bundles for Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War, Modern Warfare & Warzone. Check all cosmetics and their cost.
今天凌晨有玩家在Reddit论坛发出了其通过某种途径获得的三款大锤尚未在游戏中正式发布的武器变种,分别是98k的指挥官II(Commander II)英雄变种,M1911的总数II(Totalize II)英雄变种以及P08的鹰日II(Adlertag II)英雄变种。将这几张与此前PC解包获得的皮肤库对比可知这些皮肤应该是真实存在的,但大锤究竟何时推出尚不...
楼主现在在迪拜旅行,刚好看到这两个游戏同捆只有200多rmb,感觉比国内划算 分享510 使命召唤吧 贾君鹏再召唤 据可靠消息:cod7正式命名为:Call of Duty: Black Ops{使命召唤《使命召唤7》由Treyarch制作小组开发,名为Call of Duty: Black Ops——使命召唤 黑色行动。Activision提示说游戏背景介于2战和现代战争之间,...
An image ofMarvelcharacters Spawn and Violator wasposted to Reddit this week, only they weren’t battling each other in the comics—it was inModern Warfare 2. The post’s author laments what happened toCoD, saying they haven’t played since 2012’sBlack Ops 2and cannot believe ... Reddit上有人放出了这么一张图片,虽然看不懂是什么语言,但还是能认出一些东西,关键词: 使命召唤黑色行动3僵尸,包含8+张经典的T组僵尸重制地图,可以使用泡泡糖功能 发售日是今年12月31日,但这一般是用来占位的日期,应该是年内发售。 平台X1...
Image via Reddit One commenter notes that a bad meta in Overwatch may have killed more than just the competitive strategies at the time; it may have started what became an avalanche of unpopular moves from Blizzard. The GOATS meta, named after the team who invented it, was a t...