RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook cocoyam Thesaurus Wikipedia co·co·yam (kō′kō-yăm′) n. 1.Seetaro. 2.Seemalanga. [coco(a)+yam(from its being planted in coconut groves).]
This work investigated the chemical composition of cocoyam corms and cormels and the effect of processing and particle size on the physicochemical and organoleptic properties of the flours for use as soup thickener. Fresh cocoyam corms and cormels were peeled, sliced, washed, divided into four ...
Major findings revealed that 7 out of 19 technologies disseminated by NRCRI, had mean score (X2) above 3.00, and they include, control of CRRBC, cocoyam chips/flakes, cocoyam soup thickener, cocoyam flour, starch production, planting debt, and use of manure. The coefficient of age (-2.71...