【cocos2d-平台跳跃h5小游戏】2024圣诞节Game Jam开发记录——🎁Name Your Gift - 求礼必应 SnowField 3 人赞同了该文章 目录 收起 前言 游戏介绍 ✂️ 游戏截图 操作规则 开发过程 第一步:策划 问题1:为什么要做这款游戏? 问题2:这款游戏的核心玩法是什么? 问题3:这款游戏希望达成的目标是什么...
Cocos2DGame Application Development Services Cocos2D is a preferred choice of game developers as its flexibility in designing a product for iOS and Android devices. Every game we deliver looks great, runs well, and is fun to play. Feature-RichCocos2DGames ...
最近开始操练 python,研究了 cocos2d 模块开发小型的 windows 游戏。 因为cocos2d-python 这个项目本身好像要死不活,网上文档奇少,遭遇了许多大坑,不过终于结果搞定了,顺便还学习 VIM,摸索了下 Github。这个五一真是一个充实的假期。 Github 地址: crixthegreat/Guess_number_gamegithub.com/crixthegreat/Guess_nu...
Learn iPhone and iPad cocos2D Game Development provides a rock-solid introduction to the cocos2d iPhone game engine and related tools. It focuses on the process of creating several games made entirely with cocos2d and little-to-no iPhone SDK and OpenGL code. By creating 2-3 sample games over ...
cocos2d-x simpleGame 1 --管理背景音乐和旋转炮台 1 很多游戏有关闭游戏背景音乐的功能。我参考了郑州boy的博客,增加在simpleGame里面 在HelloWorldScene.h里面添加回调的声明。 1voidvedioOnAndOffCallBack(CCObject* pSend); 在HelloWorldScene.cpp的 HelloWorld::init()添加下面的代码...
Cocos2d-x 3.2 学习笔记(十一)Game 2048 一、规则 游戏2048的规则很简单 2+2=4 4+4=8 8+8=16 16+16=32……1024+1024=2048 这游戏挺火的……不过做起来也不难,就用cocos2dx做一下,首先我也没看过别人 怎么做的,当然写的也不是很好,能玩……...
科科斯2d 简单的游戏(Cocos2dSimpleGame) 资源编号 :30865213 格式:ico 文件体积 :47k 分辨率 :64 x 64 爱给网提供海量的合集成套资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为ico 格式的科科斯2d 简单的游戏(Cocos2dSimpleGame), 本站编号30865213, 该合集成套素材大小为47k, 分辨率为64 x 64, 作者为OnixGames, 更多精彩合...
This documentation will show you how to usecocos consoleto create and run a new project. Runtime Requirements Android 2.3+ iOS 5.0+ OS X 10.7+ Windows 7+ Ubuntu 12.04+ Cocos2d-x v3.0+ Software Requirements Xcode 4.6 (for iOS or Mac) ...
Create compelling 2D games with Learn cocos2d Game Development with iOS 5. This book shows you how to use the powerful cocos2d game engine to develop games for iPhone and iPad with tilemaps, virtual joypads, Game Center, and more. It teaches you: * The process and best practices of mobile...