Optimized the drag - and - drop of nodes and UI representation in the Hierarchy Manager to reduce the probability of misoperation, and adjusted the area judgment. Determine the ownership of multi - level nodes according to the left - right position of the mouse. Optimized the selection of pref...
Editor.UI.DragDrop Methods TODO: The API still under development. Prev: Editor.UI.DockUtilsNext: Editor
Drag and drop the script fromAssetspanel directly into theInspectorpanel. Click theAdd Componentbutton at the bottom of theInspectorpanel and selectCustom script -> SayHelloto add the script component just created. It is also possible to add it by searching forSayHelloin theAdd Componentsearch box...
let node1 = cc.instantiate(this.drag_item); this.node.addChild(node1); node1.x = 100; node1.y = 100; node1.getComponent(DragToAnywhere).label.string = '水星'; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 工程请查看github/CCCTry 参考: Cocos Creator: https://rustfisher.com/catego...
Cocos Creator 拖动效果 我们要实现的效果是,按住并拖动一个小物体,物体跟随手指(鼠标)移动。 代码DragToAnywhere.ts 代码语言:javascript 复制 @ccclassexportdefaultclassDragToAnywhereextendscc.Component{@property(cc.Label)label:cc.Label=null;start(){}onEnable(){this.node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_MOVE...
Cocos Creator 3.0 迎来了面向未来的下一代引擎底层架构及诸多重大更新,标志着 Cocos 迈向了一个全新的征程。做为 Creator 之后的主力版本,v3.0 延续了 Cocos 在 2D 品类上轻量高效的优势,并且为 3D 重度游戏提供了完整高效的开发体验。 下载Cocos Dashboard Cocos Creator 3.x Cocos Creator 2.x 3.8.5 ...
1.1:下载安装Airtest IDE(1.2.5),Cocos-Creator(2.4.1),POCP-JS-SDK,本人下载的都是当前最新版的 1.2:修改Cocos-Creator配置;进入引擎目录,修改ccConfig.h文件,开启USE_WEBSOCKET_SERVER; #ifndef USE_WEBSOCKET_SERVER #define USE_WEBSOCKET_SERVER 1 ...
namespace UnityEngine.EventSystems { public enum EventTriggerType { PointerEnter = 0, PointerExit = 1, PointerDown = 2, PointerUp = 3, PointerClick = 4, Drag = 5, Drop = 6, Scroll = 7, UpdateSelected = 8, Select = 9, Deselect = 10, Move = 11, InitializePotentialDrag = 12, Beg...
Cocos Creator features an intuitive and user-friendly interface. The main dashboard is divided into panels for scene editing, asset management, and code scripting. The drag-and-drop functionality makes it easy to design game elements, and the layout is customizable to suit your preferences. The ...
Switch back to Cocos Creator. In theAssetspanel at the bottom left, you should already see the sprite sheet. Cocos Creator automatically detects the sprite sheet and displays all the sprites it contains. To use a sprite, simply drag & drop it from theAssetspanel (bottom left) onto the sc...