Coca‑Cola and the OREO® Brand Team Up for Limited-Edition Drink and Cookie The two “bestie” brands have collaborated to offer fans unique flavor experiences that celebrate the “Real Magic” of friendship. Explore the collab How The Coca‑Cola System Refreshes Local Economies and Commun...
Coca‑Cola Cherry Boisson rafraîchissante aux extraits végétaux saveur cerise. Histoire Un après-midi, alors qu’il remue un liquide parfumé de couleur caramel, John Stith Pemberton, pharmacien d’Atlanta, obtient un breuvage qu’il s’empresse d’apporter, à quelques pas de là, à...
爱给网提供海量的创意片库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的可口可乐| 烟囱| 真正的魔术(Coca-Cola | Chimney | Real Magic), 本站编号60756831, 该创意片库素材大小为42m, 时长为02分 33秒, 分辨率为1280*720, 作者为可口可乐 Coca-Cola, 更多精彩创意片库素材,尽在爱给网。
爱给网提供海量的创意片库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的可口可乐印度广告.MP4(Coca-cola Real Magic AD India.mp4), 本站编号60753730, 该创意片库素材大小为9m, 时长为30秒, 分辨率为1280*720, 作者为可口可乐 Coca-Cola, 更多精彩创意片库素材,尽在爱给网。
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Digital creatives around the world can use a first-of-its-kind AI platform to generate original artwork with iconic creative assets from the Coca-Cola archives. Check out this story and more news from The Coca-Cola Company.
The campaign is part of Coca-Cola's “Real Magic” brand platform. So, what exactly does “Real Magic” look like? Like Johannes Vermeer’s 1665 “Girl with a Pearl Earring,” as it turns out. Now animated and in 3D, the eponymous Girl tosses a bottle of Coca-Cola into the air, ...
The first global campaign under Coca-Cola’sReal Magicplatform, “One Coke Away From Each Other,” hopes to unite and uplift its customers, but with renewed relevance for the world we live in today. The concept was created byWieden+Kennedywhilst the visual identity came from the agencyKnown ...
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Christened 'Real Magic,' Coca-Cola's new campaign rekindles the multinational company's trademark promise "to unite and uplift people every day".