Coca‑Cola Cherry Boisson rafraîchissante aux extraits végétaux saveur cerise. Histoire Un après-midi, alors qu’il remue un liquide parfumé de couleur caramel, John Stith Pemberton, pharmacien d’Atlanta, obtient un breuvage qu’il s’empresse d’apporter, à quelques pas de là, à...
圣诞节广告拍成了《仲夏夜惊魂》|图源:Coca-Cola 01 无聊又惊悚的圣诞广告 11 月 19 日,可口可乐发布了首支全 AI 生成圣诞广告《假日魔法来了》,广告由 Real Magic AI 生成,时长三十秒,内容致敬了可口可乐 1995 年经典的《Holiday is coming》广告,但所有的画面和人物都是由 AI 生成的。 看似是行业创举,但...
The digital out of home spot Coca-Cola ran was part of its global “Masterpiece” campaign, in which famed works of art from the likes of Hiroshige, Van Gogh, and Munch come alive to inspire a student – by way of sharing a Coke. The campaign is part of Coca-Cola's “Real Magic...
(快消品讯)2月18日,可口可乐宣布推出新的全球创意平台可口可乐“乐创无界”(Coca-Cola Creations),并同步发布了该平台的首款限定版产品可口可乐“星河漫步”(Coca-Cola Starlight),旨在以潮流创新的产品和体验紧密链接年轻消费者。 可口可乐“星河漫步” 《快消品》了解到,2022年2月21日起,“星河漫步”将率先在...
Explore ways you can be closer to the ones you love with meals worth sharing, festive playlists, and more holiday magic from Coke®. Shop all Coca-Cola sodas here.
Explore ways you can be closer to the ones you love with meals worth sharing, festive playlists, and more holiday magic from Coke®. Shop all Coca-Cola sodas here.
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Want to taste a new music experience? Coke Studio brings you incredible artists from around the world, takes you behind the stage and offers you real magic moments. So don’t miss out, sign up now! Join Now Promotions Make your phone a Tyla work of ART ...
爱给网提供海量的创意片库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的可口可乐印度广告.MP4(Coca-cola Real Magic AD India.mp4), 本站编号60753730, 该创意片库素材大小为9m, 时长为30秒, 分辨率为1280*720, 作者为可口可乐 Coca-Cola, 更多精彩创意片库素材,尽在爱给网。
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