Tell me few performance improvement ideas that can be implemented on a DB2 query? What is the COBOL DB2 CICS program compilation process? Can the CICS translator be executed before the Pre-compilation? Tell me the DB2 BIND process? What are the different Isolation levels? Brief each of them ...
DB2: I have a cobol non db2 source pgm and it calls a db2 pgm. How different will be the compilation process from a normal...
z/OS 用ランタイム JCL テンプレート、または iSeries 用ランタイム CL テンプレート COBOL 予約語ファイル ターゲット環境が z/OS の場合は、次の追加入力があります。 リンク・エディット・パーツ バインド制御パーツ 生成後、このフェーズの結果出力は、以下の成果物から構成されて...
If you use the DECK option, be certain that SYSPUNCH is defined in your JCL for compilation. DEFINE Use the DEFINE compiler option to assign a literal value to a compilation variable that is defined in the program by using the DEFINE directive with the PARAMETER phrase. The literal value ...
DB2应用开发 DB2 管理基础 (tablespace 、权限、storage 、catalog, load/unload等) 大型机 CICS 笔记 CICS 概述 MAP VSAM/DB2/CICS 常用命令,例如CEDA, CEDF IBM Mainframe 系统管理基础 笔记 虚拟机搭建和基本操作 SMS RACF 获取方式: 关注公众号 hot_learning,并在公众号中,回复 707 可自动 获取。更多资料在...
Certificat de Stage Mainframe ( JCL/CICS/COBOL/DB2/TELON/ ISPF /VSAM ).RACHID EL HAMDICA paris
JCL.Cobol.DB2.CICS面试题 摘要 cobol when any also 正文 COBOL 经典面试题库(中英文版) Q1) Name the divisions in a COBOL program ?. A1) IDENTIFICATION DIVISION, ENVIRONMENT DIVISION, DATA DIVISION, PROCEDURE DIVISION. Q:列举 COBOL 的 DEVISION A:标识部,环境部,数据部,过程部 Q2) What are ...
VS COBOL II 是按照 ANSI 85 标准 VS COBOL II 程序之间允许 CICS 调用 资料仅供参考 Q56:建立一个 COBOL 可执行程序要经过哪些步 骤 A56:DB2 预编译(如果内含 SQL),CICS 翻译器 (如果是 CICS PGM),COBOL 编译器,连接编辑 器,如果是 DB2 程序,要建立绑定 DBRM 的 PLAN Q57:能不能在 VS COBOL II ...
• Micro Focus Search - the search has been enhanced to filter results on the build action: in the Limit To section, select Files configured for compilation to only include files in the search results that have a build action set to Compile. The search results also include a new column,...