Where a DB2 related data needs to be defined in CICS? What is VSAM error code 22? What is ASRA? What is AEY9? DB2 –> Tell me few performance improvement ideas that can be implemented on a DB2 query? What is the COBOL DB2 CICS program compilation process? Can the CICS translator be...
DB2: I have a cobol non db2 source pgm and it calls a db2 pgm. How different will be the compilation process from a normal...
This listing will include any statements embedded by PROCESS or COPY statements. SPACE Use SPACE to select single-, double-, or triple-spacing in your source code listing. SQL Use the SQL compiler option to enable the Db2 coprocessor and to specify Db2 suboptions. SQLCCSID Use the SQL...
If DB2 program, create plan by binding the DBRMs。 Q:建立一个 COBOL 可执行程序要通过哪些步骤 A:DB2 预编译(如果内含 SQL),CICS 翻译器(如果是 CICS PGM),COBOL 编译器,连接 编辑器,如果是 DB2 程序,要建立绑定 DBRM 的 PLAN Q59) Can you call an OS VS COBOL pgm from a VS COBOL II pgm...
Q58) DB2 precompiler (if embedded SQL used), CICS translator (if CICS pgm), Cobol compiler, Link editor。 If DB2 program, create plan by binding the DBRMs。 Q:建立一个 COBOL 可执行程序要通过哪些步骤 A:DB2 预编译(如果内含 SQL),CICS 翻译器(如果是 CICS PGM),COBOL 编译器,连接 编辑器...
The COBOL compiler produces a program listing containing all the information that it generated during the compilation. The compiler also produces information for other processors, such as the binder. Before the computer can execute your program, the object deck has to be run through another process...
Note: The COBOL converter does not currently check the consistency of this translation table; for instance, it does not complain if the same DB2 value is mapped to more than one distinct Oracle value.Description of Output FilesConverted Programs and Copy Files...
• For coding examples, see the IBM DB2 LUW documentation: Embedded SQL/COBOL Support for MRI and MRF. Database Access - XA Switch Modules Back to Top Restriction: This feature applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled. Support for the following has been added to this ...
This file is generated by the Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench DB2 to Oracle Converter.• conv-ctrl-list-file used when there are files to be converted to Oracle tables. This file should be generated by the Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench File-To-Oracle Converter....
Defining the constant viasonar.cobol.compilationConstant.[constant name here]in sonar-project.properties is deprecated since version 4.5 of the COBOL analyzer. = Database Catalog (DB2) COBOL analysis offers rules which target embedded SQL statements and require the analyzer to have knowledge of the ...