本文内容来自Cell Press合作期刊The Innovation第四卷第四期以Article发表的“Physical regulation of copper catalyst with a hydrophobic promoter for enhancing CO2 hydrogenation to methanol” (投稿: 2023-03-18;接收: 2023-05-17;在线刊出: 2023-05-22)。 DOI:
Kongkachuichay, CO2 hydro- genation to methanol using Cu-Zn catalyst supported on reduced graphene oxide nanosheets, J. CO2 Util. 16 (2016) 104-113.Deerattrakul V, Dittanet P, Sawangphruk M, Kongkachuichay P. CO2 hydrogenation to methanol using Cu-Zn catalyst supported on reduced graphene...
1. Fujitani T, Nakamura J. The chemical modification seen in the Cu/ZnO methanol synthesis catalysts[J]. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2000, 191(1-2): 111-129. 2. Nakamura J, Fujitani T, Kuld S, et al. Comment on “Active sites for CO2h...
本文内容来自Cell Press合作期刊The Innovation第四卷第四期以Article发表的“Physical regulation of copper catalyst with a hydrophobic promoter for enhancing CO2 hydrogenation to methanol” (投稿: 2023-03-18;接收: 2023-05-17;在线刊出: 2023-05-22)。
2017年3月24日,美国哥伦比亚大学陈经广(Jingguang G. Chen)教授、布鲁克海文国家实验室José A. Rodriguez教授和Liu Ping博士在Science联合发表了一篇题为“Active sites for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol on Cu/ZnO catalysts”的文章。通过结合 X射线光电子能谱(XPS)表征、密度泛函理论 (DFT)模拟计算以及蒙特卡洛动...
Methanol is an essential chemical raw material and potential alternative energy source. In this paper, Cu based catalyst was prepared by the noble solid phase grinding method for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol. The influence of chelating agent, heating rate, calcination temperature and calcination ...
一些研究表明,在预处理或反应过程中使用的气体极大地影响了催化剂的结构,包括活性物种的迁移(active species migration)[参考文献:1)Zhou, H. et al.Engineering the Cu/Mo2CTx (MXene) interface to drive CO2 hydrogenation to methanol.Nat. Catal. 4, 860–871 (2021).2)Tada, S. et al.Design of ...
ε≥9%),导致Sv形成能迅速降低,薄膜重构,其中空位下方的S原子移动到由3个Mo原子组成的三角形中心。Strained few-layer MoS2 with atomic copper and selectively exposed in-plane sulfur vacancies for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol. Nat. Commun., 2023, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-41362-y.
Cu/ZnO/Al2O3是以CO-CO2为原料合成甲醇的经典工业催化剂,但其在纯CO2加氢反应中性能欠佳,同时关于Cu活性位点认识存在极大争议,严重制约了此反应的进一步发展。 近日,《国家科学评论》(NationalScienceReview)刊登了南开大学最新研究成果“Zeolite-encagedmononuclearcoppercenterscatalyzeCO2selectivehydrogenationtomethanol”...