如图4所示,在扫CV活化前后我们对铜纳米晶催化剂进行了FTIR-IR表征,发现在活化后并未观察到PVP的信号,因此可以说明PVP并未在反应过程中起到改变产物选择性的作用。为了进一步说明是由于Cu表面原子价态导致而非表面配体的影响,我们进一步改变了配体,采用聚乙烯醇(PVA)替换PVP,并获得了SPVA-Cu NPs和 DPVA-Cu NPs两种...
Fig.1. Preparation and characterization of freshly etched H-porSi. (a) Schematic showing the preparation of H-porSi. (b) FTIR spectrum, and (c) cross-sectional SEM image (9000× magnification). 具有侧链烯烃的Re络合物...
CN-K, CN-Rb and CN-KRb, respectively. In situ ATR-FTIR experiments of (e–f) CN-KRb, (g–h) CN-Rb, (i–j) CN-K, and (k–l) CN under CO2gas bubbling in 10% ethanol/MeCN. FTIR spectrum was collected bef...
这个工作直接观测到了电极表面几种中间体的演化过程,进一步升入了解反应机理。 图13 Time-resolved IR spectra with 1.5 s intervals for 10 min The spectra were taken in 0.1 M KHCO3 D2O electrolyte at -0.94 V on (a) ED-Cu,with baseline spectrum at -0.37 V in CO2saturated electrolyte[17] 3.1....
氢键有机框架材料(HOFs)在催化领域具有巨大的潜力,但其孔道空间在去除溶剂后易塌陷,限制了其在光催化能源转换和存储方面的应用。 近日,中国科学院福建物质结构研究所刘天赋研究员和张安安博士等人在Science China Materials发表研究论文,采用孔道分割策略成功设计并合成了一种具有稳定孔道结构、高效光催化CO2还原活性的HOF...
2) no substantial variations were recorded in the FTIR spectrum (Fig. 5) of the K30-Ni/Ce@MnCuOx, confirming also its structural stability. To verify the interaction of CO2 with the basic sites of the examined catalysts, it was carried out the CO2-TPD characterization (Fig. 6). Fig. ...
利用分子振动的特征吸收,红外光谱可以用于原位检测固体电极上的吸附态物种,从而:(1) 关键中间产物的识别和构型鉴定(2)确定电极表面成键状态(3)优先的反应路径和选择性确认(4)探究反应环境的影响,如电解液阴离子,阳离子,pH, 添加剂等(5)电极电解液界面双电层的探测。适用于水系或非水系电催化反应,如CO2RR, HER...
利用分子振动的特征吸收,红外光谱可以用于原位检测固体电极上的吸附态物种,从而:(1) 关键中间产物的识别和构型鉴定(2)确定电极表面成键状态(3)优先的反应路径和选择性确认(4)探究反应环境的影响,如电解液阴离子,阳离子,pH, 添加剂等(5)电极电解液界面双电层的探测。适用于水系或非水系电催化反应,如CO2RR, HER...
High-resolution spectra of O2 broadened by CO2 pressure with high signal/noise ratio (2500 at the absorbance equal 1) were recorded with a Bruker IFS 125 FTIR spectrometer in the 13,000–13,260 cm−1 spectral region. The multispectrum fitting procedure has been applied to recover the spectr...
▲Figure 2.(a) FTIR, (b) O 1s XPS and (c) N 1s XPS of PCN and OA-PCN, (d) carbon and (e) nitrogen K-edge NEXAFS of PCN (black) and OA-PCN (green). The inset in (e) shows the tri-s-triazine-...