A ratio of the photoacoustic spectrum (PAS) to the standard TGS detector single beam spectrum results in the observation of the spectroscopic sensitivity profile of the TGS detector. For these low acoustic modulation frequencies, carbon black is observed to display no surface functionality by FTIR/...
As a control, we have also compared the FTIR spectra of neat fibres with fibres that have been subjected to water, shear and pressure without the f-CNTs. We confirm that no observable difference in the FTIR spectrum is observed after the treatment (Supplementary Fig. S5)....
The FT-IR spectrum was acquired using a Perkin Elmer FTIR-UATR with a resolution of 4 cm−1 from 400 to 4000 cm−1, using the KBr pellet method. TEM images were obtained using a JEOL 1011 transmission electron microscope operating at 200 kV. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was ...
Conclusions - FTIR analysis of the C45 carbon black conducted before and after the chemical modi- fication confirmed the integration of the Keggin structure of the PMo12O403− anion with the carbon matrix in the C45-MPA nanocomposite. - The addition of the C45-MPA carbon black nanocomposite ...
Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy (Fig. 2a and Supplementary Fig. 8) in combination with Raman spectroscopy (Fig. 2a) confirmed that the solid product is indeed predominantly composed of carbonaceous materials19. Similarly, the Raman spectrum reveals intense, broad features at 1332 ...
The Raman spectrum for the powder shown in Fig. 5b is similar to the spectrum of the graphite-like carbon films, the G-peak of the graphite-like carbon spectrum being similar to that of the powder. On the other hand, the G-peak of the diamond-like carbon film is broad and shifts to...
aTEM image of the CDs (Inset: size distribution histogram);bFTIR spectrum of the CDs;cEmission spectra of the CDs at various excitation wavelengths from 400 to 530 nm with an interval of 10 nm.dUV − vis absorption (Abs) and fluorescence spectra (Ex for excitation and Em for emissio...
In this study, a novel activated-carbon was prepared from Bombax Buonopozense (AC-BBP) and used for the adsorption of Congo red (CR) from aqueous solution and the prepared material was characterized by FTIR, XRD, TGA, SEM, elemental analysis and BET. Central Composite Design (CCD) was app...
General analytical techniques for confirming the presence of g-C3N4include X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), XRD, and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy [40]. The density function theory (DFT) calculations are used to reveal the characteristics of the valence and conduction bands. ...
. The signal-to-noise ratio for a single spectrum (75s acquisition) is ~750. Additional equipment includes a dome to protect the suntracker, a weather station including an accurate surface pressure measurement, and a permanently-mounted, internal, low-pressure HCl cell used ...