MethanolThe selectivity of a particular product over possible multiple products and their quantitative distribution in the electrochemical reduction of CO2 has been investigated. The generation of products and the said distribution depend on the various methods and materials like catalysts, electrodes, ...
成果简介: 鉴于此,NatureCommunications上发表了一篇题为“In-situ spectroscopic probe of the intrinsicstructure feature of single-atom center inelectrochemical CO/CO2 reduction tomethanol”的文章。在本工作中,通过将酞菁钴锚定在多壁碳纳米管上,开发了一种配位结构明确的钴单原子催化剂模型,并以此为平台采用原...
B. A new homogeneous electrocatalyst for the reduction of carbon dioxide to methanol at low overpotential. J. Electroanal. Chem. 372, 145–150 (1994). Article Google Scholar Barton Cole, E. et al. Using a one-electron shuttle for the multielectron reduction of CO2 to methanol: kinetic, ...
Electrochemical carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction can in principle convert carbon emissions to fuels and value-added chemicals, such as hydrocarbons and alcohols, using renewable energy, but the efficiency of the process is limited by its sluggish kinetics1
MethanolElectrochemical reduction of CO2 to CH3OH is a very interesting topic. Aerogels are fine inorganic superstructure with high porosity and are known to be exceptional materials. Here we developed a Pd銆 bimetallic aerogel electrocatalyst for conversion of CO2 into CH3OH. The current density and...
Li H, Zhang X, MacFarlane, DR (2015) Carbon quantum dots/Cu2O heterostructures for solar‐light‐driven conversion of CO2to methanol. Adv Energy Mater 5 Malik MI, Malaibari ZO, Atieh M, Abussaud B (2016) Electrochemical reduction of CO2to methanol over MWCNTs impregnated with Cu2O. Chem En...
Designing highly efficient electrocatalysts for electrochemical reduction of CO2 (ERC) to value-added chemicals is a better approach to balance carbon emis
Qinbal Fan, Cong Pu, Kevin L. Ley, and E. S. Smotkin In Situ FTIR-Diffuse Reflection Spectroscopy of the Anode Surface in a Direct Methanol/Oxygen Fuel CellJ. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 143, No.2, L21-L23
[12] Crystal facet effect induced by different pretreatment of Cu2O nanowire electrode for enhanced electrochemical CO2reduction to C2+products 不同预处理的氧化亚铜纳米线电极诱导的晶面效应提升电化学CO2还原为多碳产物 付阳, 谢起贤, 武琳晓, 罗景...
methanolonamolecularcatalyst YueshenWu 1,2 ,ZhanJiang 3 ,XuLu 1,2 ,YongyeLiang 3 *&HailiangWang 1,2 * Electrochemicalcarbondioxide(CO 2 )reductioncaninprincipleconvertcarbon emissionsto uelsandvalue-addedchemicals,suchashydrocarbonsandalcohols, usingrenewableenergy,buttheeciencyo theprocessislimitedbyits...