必应词典为您提供co-toxicity-coefficient的释义,网络释义: 共毒系数;共同毒效系数;
1.It was usually used that screen the optimum proportion of combination insecticides through the base of co-toxicity coefficient evaluating joint action of two insecticides,but it could lead to miss of the best proportion in fact.仅采用共毒系数法对复配剂的最佳配比进行筛选,可能造成真正最佳配比的漏...
By using the LD50 of inert minerals and botanicals alone and in combination with spinosad, the co-toxicity coefficient was calculated. Among all the treatments, the highest co-toxicity coefficient (433.33) was recorded for diatomaceous earth, indicating increased efficacy and synergism ...
分享到: 共毒系数 分类: 昆虫学|查看相关文献(pubmed)|免费全文文献 详细解释: 以下为句子列表: 分享到:
(A) Confocal immunofluorescence of the control group; (B) Confocal immunofluorescence of Mo group; (C) Confocal immunofluorescence of Cd group; (D) Confocal immunofluorescence of Mo + Cd group; (E) Pearson coefficient of the colocalization of LC3 and HSP60. Confocal immunofluorescence staining ...
The toxicity of four herbicides in mixture (alachlor, diuron, des-isopropyl-atrazine and simazine) on the growth and the photosynthesis parameters of two marine diatomsPseudo-niszchia manniiandChaetoceros decipienshave been investigated for 9 days in monoculture and co-culture tests. The catalase (...
Fish exposed to trace metals mixture (1:1 ratio) showed synergistic co-toxicity coefficient (CTC) factor among Cu, Pb and Zn and antagonistic CTC with V mixtures. There was significant trace metals bioaccumulation in fish body structures (otolith, dorsal fins and scales) exposed for 180 day ...
The combined toxicity of metals was quantified by the toxicity function (FTOX), a linear combination of the amount of metal binding to non-specific ligand sites (vi) and a toxicity coefficient (伪i). Observed body concentrations of Ni and Co in the animals correlated well with the WHAM-...
CoMFA and CoMSIA models have given cross-validation regression coefficient (q~2) values of more than 0.80 and correlation coefficient (R~2) value of more than 0.96, which validated for their prediction, could be applied to predict unavailable data.Liu Hongxia...