Aim: To estimate the residual levels of heavy metals (Co, Cr, Mn, Se, and As) in muscle, liver, kidney, hair, and serum of three camel breeds (Magaheem, Maghateer, and Wadha) collected from Al-Omran abattoir, Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia. Methods: A to...
Comment: While reportedly ototoxic, chemotherapeutic medications are rarely encountered as a source of vestibular dysfunction. Cisplatin is the most widely used anticancer drug currently and unfortunately, it is cochleotoxic, and may injure supporting cells (Ramirez-Camacho et al, 2004). The toxicity...
researchers found that women who flossed with tooth floss product Oral-B Glide dental floss had higher levels of PFAS in their blood than those women who didn’t. After marker testing was run on Oral-B Glide, it was confirmed that this product had indications of PFAS “forever chemicals...
Avoid overexposure during peak sunlight hours, and use sunglasses and sun-protective hats and clothing. These things reduce your risk of burns without sunscreen. Final Thoughts When direct sunlight hits our skin under peak conditions, our bodies manufacture high levels of vitamin D. Not getting enou...
Toxic work environments make employees feel punished, rejected, guilty, defensive and humiliated. Employees find it difficult to work in this environment because of negative behaviors from management and co-workers. Common behaviors include bullying, yelling, manipulating and belittling. ...
Why dotoxic workerspose such a threat to their colleagues’ well-being and their risk of burnout? On one hand, the answer is simple: They make work life miserable. Who wouldn’t dread work or want to quit when a coworker or boss is disrespectful, demeaning, unfair, unethical, bullying,...
coworkers or leaders that you can solve problems by dismissing negative emotions and focusing on the positive, according to research1 Toxic positivity is not necessarily about beingtrulypositive. I personally like to think of it as insecurity masked in ...
Wolf Elite Countertop Oven with Convection Item number: WGCO150S Better Toasters & Toaster Ovens These toasters and toaster ovens are in the middle of the road. They do not have any PFAS “forever chemical” non-stick coatings on food contact surfaces, but they may have non-stick coatin...
Determination of trace elements in herbal tea products and their infusions consumed in Thailand. Nineteen elements, Mg, Al, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Sr, Sb, Ba, As, Cd, Hg, and Pb, were determined in three types of popular herbal tea prod... S Nookabkae...
In this paper, we study the level of toxic language and its targets on three large incel forums:, and These three forums are the most well-known and active online platforms where incels meet and discuss. Our results show that even though usage of toxic...