But Searles wasn’t happy with the alternatives. John Kasich was too moderate. Chris Christie and Jeb Bush didn’t stand a chance of winning. Ted Cruz was “a calculating weasel.” He saved some of his harshest words for the billionaire from New York. “Trump’s a buffoon,” Searles de...
A CNN/University of NewHampshire pollreleased last weekshowed that 20% of likely GOP primary voters would support her, up from 12% in September, placing her firmly in second place. Trump received support from 42% of primary voters, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie received 14%, Florida...
Chris Christie, dropped out of the race – was a demonstration of both candidates’ belief that the field needs to be further winnowed before the last non-Trump candidate standing shifts focus to the former president. Here are key takeaways from Wednesday’s debate: Trump is skating – ...
Andy Warhol's "Shot Sage Blue Marilyn" painting, sold by Christie's, became the most expensive 20th-century artwork. Dia Dipasupil/Getty Auctions returned in a big way, with some of the most expensive sales on record. In November, the art collection of late Microsoft co-founder ...
Chris Christie and former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson — did not meet those qualification requirements. CNN will hold a second debate on January 21 in New Hampshire at New England College, ahead of that state’s primary. The location was originally announced as St. Anselm College. CNN’s...
Two candidates criticized Trump’s absence, as well. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he was “missing in action.” Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called the former president “Donald Duck” and said he “hides behind his golf clubs” rather than defending his record on stage. The GOP...
That was Chris Christie’s response when asked about Trump’s “dictator” on “day one” comments. “Completely predictable,” said Christie. “This is an angry, bitter man, who now wants to be back as president because he wants to exact retribution on anyone who has disagreed with him...
Chris Christie spent 7 days in intensive care: "I was wrong to not wear a mask" From CNN's Dana Bash Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said he hasrecovered from Covid-19in a new statement, in which he added that he was wrong to not wear a mask at Supreme Court nominee Amy Co...
Elections CNN's own employees are disparaging the Trump town hall By KIERRA FRAZIER 05/11/2023 02:48 PM EDT Elections The Trump town hall news that GOP lawmakers will be dodging for weeks By RACHAEL BADE 05/11/2023 10:37 AM EDT politics Chris Christie calls Trump a 'puppet of Putin'...
Lead Art: Jaylen Christie and Jade Fulce hype up Lord Reginald Burroughs III's dance after the 2024 Presidential Debate at a watch party-turned dance party co-hosted by Executive Tea, Hip-Politics and Black Women for Kamala at The Park for Congressional Black Caucus week on ...