Gov. Chris Christie to hold town hall meeting in Toms River on TuesdayPress Staff
Chris Christie must love town hall meetings. This is the only reasonable conclusion to draw, considering that the New Jersey governor has heldat least 127 of themacross the state since taking office. At a time when many of his fellow officeholders, at both state and federal levels, are scal...
When she’s not wielding the microphone at Christie’s town halls, Sienna finds other ways to redirect her larger-than-life personality -– at times standing on a chair beside Christie’s staffer who controls the sound board as if to offer direction, skipping around the room as Christie work...
Christie says he relishes some of the friendships he's made because he was governor: Bono texts him on his birthday and holidays. Jon Bon Jovi and his wife are close friends with Christie and Mary Pat. And there's King Abdullah, who hosted him and his family as a guest several ...
If you are interested in the story, the BBC has an article today which, among other things, gives credit to the inventor of the “Wagatha Christie” tag. It features here because of a couple of disclosure points which are of passing interest (that is, their determination will not change ...
“I see anybody that gets in the race that believes in America and is a small government but efficient government individual, I would welcome into the race,” Perry said in an interview with the Associated Press. “Chris Christie is a great competitor.” ...
One thought, maybe interactive film, like they do withRocky Horrorand some video games, we go to theatre, and we become a plot maker so to speak, or a scene maker rather. I think of the scene inFahrenheit 451, Julie Christie watching the TV, and she is the one doing the scenario, ...
Governor Chris Christie to meet with local residents at town hall meeting today in HammontonStatehouse, Juliet Fletcher
The author reflects on New Jersey Governor and Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie's stance on various political, economic, and social issues which he presented at his town-hall meeting held on January 5, 2016 in New Hampshire. These issues include his decision not to ban fossil-...
Gov. Chris Christie outlines plan to fix pension crisis during Hammonton town hall meetingFletcher, Juliet