The trained CNN can predict the information of image-based topologies composed of fine meshes. A graphics processing unit (GPU) is then used to accelerate the bulk-processing of data.doi:10.1016/j.knosys.2020.105887Seunghye Lee aHyunjoo Kim b...
2.CNN based和Transformer based的关系,CNN based 和 Transformer based哪个好 本质上是网络架构设计是以CNN为主好还是Transformer为主好的问题,CNN为主还是将输入当成二维的图像信号来处理,Transformer为主则将输入当成一维的序列信号来处理,所以想要研究清楚CNN为主好还是Transformer为主好的问题,需要去探索哪种输入信号...
以下主要解析一下CNN based和Transformer based的网络架构设计,其中CNN based涉及ResNet和BoTNet,Transformer based涉及ViT和T2T-ViT。 01 网络架构设计的相互关系 BoTNet在ResNet的基础上将Bottlenneck的3x3卷积替换成MHSA,增加CNN based的网络架构的global信息聚合能力。T2T-ViT在ViT的基础上将patch的linear projection替换...
通过CNN将图片的特征提取出来后采用RNN对序列进行预测,最后通过一个CTC的翻译层得到最终结果。 论文地址:An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Image-based Sequence Recognition and Its Application to Scene Text Recognition 二、细节 CRNN共由三部分组成,包括卷积层(CNN)、循环层(RNN)、CTC loss层。结构...
The experimental results show that the image recognition technology based on CNN is a good image recognition technology, which can be widely used in real life.Proceedings of SPIEHanqiao Zhang
S. Davis, "Action recognition with image based cnn features," arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.03980, 2015.M. Ravanbakhsh, H. Mousavi, M. Rastegari, V. Murino, and L. S. Davis, "Action Recognition with Image Based CNN Features," CoRR, vol. abs/1512.03980, 2015....
2.1 Data Augmentations based on basic image manipulations Geometric transformations 如果数据集潜在的...
A Deep-Learning-Based Chinese Speech Recognition System 基于深度学习的中文语音识别系统 pythontensorflowkerascnnpython3speech-recognitionspeech-to-textctcchinese-speech-recognitionasrt UpdatedSep 26, 2024 Python Code for Tensorflow Machine Learning Cookbook ...
The project utilizes convolutional-based network architectures for semantic image segmentation. This project utilizes the Indian Driving Dataset (IDD) Lite to classify various elements in Indian road scenes into 8 predefined categories. This implementation utilizes FCN - VGG backbone, U-Net, LINKNet, an...
A Study on Deep Learning-Based Image Target Identification Techniques This study aims to explore deep learning-based image target recognition methods to improve the performance of target detection and classification in the fi... Y Wang - International Conference on 3d Imaging Technologies 被引量: 0...