2D CNN3D CNNBiometricResearch in face recognition has achieved new heights after the advent of deep learning, particularly 2D Convolution Neural Network (2D CNN). However, to solve the real-world challenges in face recognition, researchers have started using 3D CNN with video as input. The use ...
Although face recognition is not as accurate as the other recognition methods using iris or fingerprints, it still grabs huge attention of many researchers in the field of computer vision. The main reason behind this attention is the fact that the face is the conventional and the fastest way ...
In order to solve the problem of face recognition in complex environments being vulnerable to illumination change, object rotation, occlusion, and so on, which leads to the imprecision of target position, a face recognition algorithm with multi-feature fusion is proposed. This study presents a new...
%matplotlib inlineimportmatplotlib.pyplotaspltfromPILimportImageimportface_recognition# 通过PIL加载图片image=face_recognition.load_image_file("test_img/obama.jpg")# 基于cnn识别人脸,是否使用gpu看装机环境face_locations=face_recognition.face_locations(image,number_of_times_to_upsample=0,model="cnn")print(...
《A Discriminative Feature Learning Approach for Deep Face Recognition》 一种用于深度人脸识别的判别性特征学习方法 作者 Yandong Wen、Kaipeng Zhang、Zhifeng Li 和 Yu Qiao 来自深圳市计算机视觉与专利重点实验室、中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院和香港中文大学 ...
In this research paper, we give emphasis on the face recognition system (FRS) and the evolution of the various approaches adopted for FRS by making use of the CNN model. From recent study, we can conclude that recognized face recognition systems (FRS) were easily attacked and tricked by usi...
利用OpenCV、CNN进行人脸识别_from csdn. Contribute to yooyo-Q/faceRecognition development by creating an account on GitHub.
face_recognition.api.face_locations(img, number_of_times_to_upsample=1, model=‘hog’) 用途:人脸检测,返回图像中人脸边界框的数组 img:输入图像,numpy数组 number_of_times_to_upsample:对图像进行上采样次数以找到更小的人脸,默认为1 model:检测模型,默认是hog机器学习模型,另外可设置cnn选择卷积神经网络模...
Intelligent recognition and parameter acquisition of blastholes in rock tunnel based on improved Faster R-CNN In rock tunnel excavation using the drilling and blasting method, controlling overbreak and underbreak relies heavily on the careful selection and optimiza... W Zhang,Z Sun,J Mei,... - ...
Face Recognition System Against Adversarial Attack Using Convolutional Neural Network different attacks, then training the recognition deep network model, specifically Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), using the original and distorted images. ... A Kadhim,S Al-Darraji - 《Iraqi Journal for Electrical ...